Make Out

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Betty and Jughead approached their friends at their table during lunch. Kevin, Cheryl, Toni, and Archie were all scattered around Veronica. She was talking about the small party she wanted to host at the Pembrooke to mark the end of their sophomore year. "So I was thinking that we could all meet together Friday night and have this get together."

"What are we talking about?" Betty asked as she sets her tray down on the table and took a seat.

"A party for our inner circle only. A nice way to end the school year."

"When and where?"

"My place. Friday night. Are you two free?"

"I'm probably going to have to ask my mom if I could sleepover at your place."

"I'm going to have to check in with my dad. He's been putting tabs on me now that he's been trying to get his act together."

"Wouldn't they be out on a date anyway?" Kevin questioned.

"What?" Jughead asked. He and Betty both made weird faces. They didn't understand what he was asking them.

"A date," He repeated. "They usually go out together on Fridays. Didn't you two know that?"

"That's not a date." At least Betty didn't think it was. "We have been trying to get them both to get along. They know it's important to us that they do."

"I'm pretty sure they're dates," Archie agreed with Kevin. All the others did too by nodding. They have each seen FP and Alice on their dates around town.

"What makes you say that?" Jughead didn't think they were dating each other either.

"Well for starters I've seen them making out in the speakeasy." Veronica was the first to spill the details. "He may be working at the bar but he's also working your girlfriend's mom."

Alice would come down to the speakeasy with the intent to see FP. He was always happy to see her. They thought they were very good at keeping their relationship a secret but Veronica caught them once without them realizing it. Before closing up for the night one time Alice stuck around to keep FP company. The place was empty so they took their chance to be affectionate towards each other. FP sat Alice up on the counter and placed his hands on her hips. Alice wrapped her arms around his neck and her legs around his waist. Veronica quietly was walking down the stairs to check in on something before she went home but saw them in the middle of a heated make out session instead. She awkwardly backed away before they could notice her in the room.

"Let's not say it like that," Betty felt weird about it. "Or at all," Jughead added in. "And why did you say it so nonchalantly?" Betty asked. "It's not normal."

"Well it's not that weird. We know from personal experience," Veronica pointed at herself and Archie. "This stays between us, okay? Our parents had a little fling when my mom and I moved here."

"Okay but our parents aren't dating," Jughead clarified again.

"Dude, they so are." Archie chuckled. "I've seen them making out in the street at night. Our parents aren't the only ones in this town who were sneaking around."

Archie came home late from Veronica's place one night. He was planning on sneaking back into his room. While he was walking down the sidewalk to his house he spotted FP and Alice on the street. Alice was in the passengers seat of his truck. The door was open so FP was standing by her side and leaning in to kiss her. They didn't see Archie which he was grateful for. Huge smiles were planted on their faces. Archie hid and watched them leave the truck. FP had her in a bear hug as he walked her home. He would sneak kisses in as they walked. Archie quietly went to his room before the two could see him and rat him out.

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