Girls Bathroom

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I'm dying of laughter from their blooper together

After the adults split up to search the school FP and Alice wandered around until they stopped in front of the girls bathroom. "Let's go in there. I saw the chalices in here that night." FP followed her in and shut the door behind them. Alice stared in front of the mirror. "I remember they were right here." Alice looked at herself in the mirror. She was stuck on a muse. FP got behind her. He stared at the mirror too. Alice's eyes trailed up a little higher to look at him. "That wasn't the only scary thing that happened to me in here." Alice turned around to face him. She pointed at one of the stalls. "I found out about him in there."

FP hugged her. He pressed a kiss on her forehead. "You were brave." He whispered gently to her. "I wish I could have been there to support you. I know I could have done better for you if I were just thinking straight. You are important to me and all I want is to be someone you can trust and depend on."

Alice tilted her head up and kissed his lips. She needed him. FP deepened the kiss. Alice gasped for air a few seconds later. They looked into each other's eyes and knew where this what this was escalating to.

A few minutes later Fred came down the hall with Marty, trying to meet up with FP and Alice. He hoped they found something. "Anything?" He asked the blonde walking out. Alice came out of the bathroom fixing her shirt. FP wasn't far behind. He was having trouble zipping his pants back up. "Seriously?"

"Well he's always had trouble getting his pants on, what do you expect?" Alice couldn't believe he couldn't get the zipper to work.

"It's stuck," FP turned around.

"Now wasn't the time to do it in a bathroom."

"In my defense," FP finally got his zipper up. "I was just jogging her memory. They always say trace your steps."

"They never said have a quickie all the way down memory lane."

"Just forget anything he just said," Alice cut them off. She pulled on FP's hand and lead him down the hall to look for the others. Fred and Marty just gave each other a look before following them.

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