Father's Day

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Alice whispered to the one year old as she walked down the hall. "Let's go say good morning to daddy." She carried him into the bedroom quietly but he giggled the whole way. She laid him down next to FP. Peewee sat up and played with FP's hair. His tiny hands trailed over to his face.

FP opened an eye and smiled when he saw the adorable baby hand. He grabbed their son and brought him up to his chest. "Good morning, kiddo." He made space for Alice and she joined their side. "Good morning, baby."

"Good morning, honey." Alice pecked a kiss on his lips. "We wanted to wish you a happy father's day."

"Aren't I the luckiest guy in the world?"

Peewee babbled in response. "Yeah, you're right. I am. Thanks to you," FP tickled him. His little laughter was like music to his ears. "And you." FP nuzzled his beard into the crook of her neck as he kissed her all around. His stubble managed to tickle her too. "And the rest of the kids, wherever they are."

"They're downstairs waiting for the father who's going to get celebrated today."

"Do I get a special breakfast for being the hottest dad?"

"Of course."

"And it's being left unattended with Jughead?"

"Which only means you better get down there ASAP," Alice teased. "I've got to go down there and get the table set up. Will you go change him into his little outfit for the day?"

"Sure, baby." FP kissed her again and got out of bed with Peewee. Alice went downstairs and FP walked over to the nursery. "Aren't you a ray of sunshine today?" His voice always went softer for him. "What do you want to do today?"

Peewee gurgled. FP nodded. "Sure, we can do that." He pushed the nursery door open. "Anything that involves you, mommy, and your siblings." He noticed the folded clothes on the changing table. "Ah, looks like mommy already picked out your outfit for today. Lucky us."

FP held Peewee against his hip and grabbed the clothes with his free hand. "Huh, this looks too small for you. Did you grow overnight?" FP chuckled and put it back down. He walked over to the drawers. "Let's find you something else you can wear." FP opened the top drawer. He found a gift box inside. "Did you hide a present for me in here?" FP tickled him. "You're a sneaky boy."

FP pulled out the box, curious to know what was inside. "What did you get me?" FP walked over to the rocking chair and took a seat. He sat Peewee in his lap and opened the box. His eyes began to well up. A smile grew on his face. "Looks like you're not going to be my smallest critter anymore." Peewee wiped the tear rolling down his cheek. "Thanks, boy." FP closed the box back up. "That outfit wasn't yours, was it? You knew and didn't tell me, mister?" FP ruffled his hair.

He urgently went downstairs to find Alice. He turned the corner and ran into his daughter.

"Happy father's day, daddy." Jellybean tippy toed and pressed a kiss on his cheek.

"Thank you, sweetheart."

"There's my old man," Jughead walked into the room. He opened his arms widely for a hug.

"Happy father's day, Mr. Jones." Betty grabbed Peewee from him.

"Thank you, Betty." He said before getting his hug from Jughead.

"I love you, dad." Jughead patted his back.

"Love you, boy." He let go. "You too, girls."

FP spotted Alice in the kitchen. He looked at her with the widest smile. She knew he knew. He ran up to her and lifted her up. He spinned her happily. "Are we?" He just wanted to hear her say it. She nodded just as excitedly as him.

"What's going on?" Jughead asked for the rest of them.

"I'm going to be a dad again." FP put Alice down and brought his hands up to her belly. He knelt down and lifted her shirt a little. He kissed her belly, where their next miracle was currently growing.

"Mom, you're pregnant?" Betty asked. She was happy for them. She saw their smiles. "You guys, congratulations!"

"Please give me a sister. I'm tired of brothers." Jellybean said.

"Hey," Jughead was offended.

"Whatever it will be I'm happy," FP didn't stop smiling so widely. "I do hope it's a girl though." FP got up and went to grab Peewee. "Look, mama has a baby in there."

"Baby," He repeated.

"Yeah, a baby." FP snaked his arm around Alice. "Thanks for the best father's day."

"It's only 9 a.m." Jughead pointed out.

"And it's already the best father's day."

"Let him be, Jug." Betty defended FP. "Yeah, dad's happy." Jellybean added in.

"I love you," Alice kissed FP's cheek.

"I love you too."

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