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Alice sets a dinner plate in front of Jughead and Betty before grabbing herself her meal and taking a seat. FP sat on the other side of the table with furrowed eyebrows. He knows she was just being petty. He dramatically got up and went to go serve himself something to eat in the kitchen. Betty and Jughead watched him from the corner of their eyes. They had to awkwardly be in the room with them. Ever since their parents got into an argument a few days ago they haven't been on speaking terms.

FP huffed as he took a seat again. Alice rolled her eyes and ignored him. Jughead kept picking at his food. He didn't like the tension in the room. Betty slowly ate. She could feel the harsh glares FP was receiving from Alice without needing to look up. He gave up and walked himself outside to finish his meal. Alice got up and locked the back door. FP heard the lock and turned around. "Alice!" FP yanked on the door. "Alice that's not funny!" Alice walked away amused with herself. She finished her meal and headed upstairs to her bedroom. A few minutes later FP opened the kitchen window and popped his head in. "Can you unlock the door?" He asked the kids who were washing the dishes together. "She locked all the doors and took the key she hides in the plant."

"Hold on," Jughead put a dry plate back in the cupboard and went to go let his father in. FP handed Betty the plate through the window before going to meet his son at the door. Once inside FP went over to the couch and laid down. Jughead followed Betty to her room. "We've got to do something," Betty shut her door. She was tired of the fued between their parents. "What do you suppose we do?" Jughead flopped down on her bed. "Meddling isn't always the brightest idea."

"I'll talk to my mom and you talk to your dad. Figure out what's going on so we can fix it."

"Okay," Jughead agreed to help. "Only because I'm tired of their bickering. It's awkward trying to go into the kitchen and walk through the tension in the room."

"Thank you," Betty kissed him and went to go talk to her mother. Jughead walked back downstairs to his father.

"Mom?" Betty knocked on her door.

"We need to talk," Jughead stands in front of FP.

"Yes sweetie?" Alice let her in.

"About what?" FP asked.

"This argument needs to stop." Betty walked into the room and shut the door behind her.

"Do you even remember what you two are fighting about?" Jughead asked. He really did think they didn't even remember why they were arguing.

FP had to think for a second. He was right. He was mad but didn't know why. "No." He admitted.

"See, so please cut it out and make up. I want to eat in peace."

"He has to apologize first," Alice crossed her arms.

"For what?"

"For-" Alice had to remember why they were fighting in the first place. "I don't know."

"So can you two just make up and bam, peace."

"I want an apology first," The parents both told their kids. Jughead tossed a throw pillow at FP. Betty sighed. Jughead and Betty met back together in her room. "Any luck?" Betty asked. Jughead shook his head. "You?" Betty also said no. She stared at him as she mused. "But I have an idea."

"What are you up to?"


The following day Betty called her mother at work. She was urging her to get to the house. "Mom you have to get home quick."

"What's wrong? Are you okay?"

"Just come home. I'll explain here. It's urgent."

"Okay I'm on my way."

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