Positive 2

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FP and Alice brought a precious baby boy into the world. He looked like a carbon copy of FP but had Alice's blonde locks. She cried when she held him for the first time. The moment reminded her of Charles but the two parents tried to think positively. This was their second chance at having a Charles in their lives.

This whole new big family was still adjusting to him. The Jones men moved into Alice's house months ago. Polly's old room was turned into a nursery for the new baby. Jughead moved into the guest room downstairs since the parents refused to let him bunk with Betty. Alice and FP were handling the new baby very well. It's been years since they last had a baby in their homes. Betty and Jughead helped out occasionally when their parents really needed it. They were still in a weird place sharing a sibling but they were making it work.

Alice was currently in the bedroom breastfeeding the baby while FP was laying beside her on the bed. Betty knocked on the door and walked in. "Will you be ready to go soon? We've got to go before Polly comes over with the twins."

"In a second, Elizabeth. Your brother is finishing up." Alice waited for him to finish eating. She had to go to the store with Betty to help her shop for a new dress she needed for a writing convention her summer internship invited her to. Alice sat the baby between FP and herself. He reached his arm out to grab him, tickling him in the process. He sat up and let him rest against his chest. "Can't Jughead go with you?"

"He has to go somewhere in a few minutes."

"Go Al," FP says. He pecked kisses all around their son. "I can watch Peewee. You're going to have to let me do it on my own sometime." Alice looked indecisive. She didn't want to leave him behind. She was very protective of the little boy. Peewee was too precious to her and she never exactly left FP alone with the baby before. She was always in the house with him when it was his turn to watch him. "We'll be fine. Nothing to worry about."

"Yeah come on mom," Betty agreed with him. "They'll be fine. Let's go."

"Oh alright." Alice got up and walked over to the closet for a pair of shoes. Betty waited for her in the car.

"I've got this go," FP was behind her with Peewee on his arm. He was giving her a metaphorical and literal push out the room.

"Call me if you need anything."

"I will," FP kissed her before she left. She kissed both her boys.

A few minutes after the women left Jughead went into the nursery where his father was with Peewee. "Ready to go pick her up?"

"What?" FP asked obviously confused.

"Jellybean. We need to pick her up at the bus station, remember? Mom let her come so she could meet Peewee."

"That's today?" FP mentally hand palms himself. He completely forgot about it. "I thought it was next week. Alice took the car and the carseat. I can't take Peewee like this in the truck."

"I thought it out dad. I figured it slipped your mind. I switched car keys with Betty. The girls took your truck and left us the car." Jughead chuckled and took his brother from him. "No wonder Ms. S was so hesitant to leave."

"Don't tell her about this," He laughed. "Alice would never let me live it down. Come on let's go." Jughead put Peewee in his carseat and buckled him up. FP stuffed the diaper bag in the backseat, got into the driver's seat, and drove to the bus station.

Jellybean's bus arrived right on time. She was coming off and looked around. Jughead told FP to pull up by the terminal. He jumped out of the car when he stopped and went over to his sister. FP rolled down the windows and stepped out. He went around the car and leaned on the car door watching his kids.

"Jughead!" Jellybean ran into his arms and hugged him tightly. Jughead picked her up. "JB, how was the travel?"

"Boring but I survived. Where's dad?"

"He's right over there with the car." Jughead put her down and grabbed her luggage. Jellybean ran over to her father and hugged him too. Jughead was walking far behind her.

"Hi sweetheart. I've missed you." He kissed her forehead and smiled at her. FP missed his little girl so much. Jughead opened the trunk and put Jellybean's suitcase inside. He then got back in the car.

"I've missed you too."

"I'm sure you'd like to meet someone," FP rests an arm on the roof of the car and steps aside from the car window. Peewee turned to look at them. He giggled when he saw his father. "This is your baby brother Peewee."

Jellybean poked her head in to see him. She touched his hand and looked back at her father. "He's a boy," Jellybean stated the obvious. "You couldn't make me a sister?"

Jughead couldn't help but laugh from the passenger's seat. FP laughed too. "I only have one daughter in my heart."

"Nice save," Jughead poked his head out the window.

"Let's keep it that way then." Jellybean walked with FP to the other side of the car. He opened the door for her and she climbed into the backseat. She looked over at Peewee. "Did you really name him Peewee?"

"I don't know, are you really named Jellybean?" Jughead teased her.

"No his name is Ezekiel." FP answers as he turns the car back on. He rolled up Peewee's window to avoid a gust of air to get to him.

"Ms. S didn't let him pick out the name." Jughead bantered. FP smacked his arm only causing him to laugh more. "You can see why." Jughead referred to their names.

"Dad, what were you thinking?" Jellybean said. FP looked back at her through the rearview mirror. He could see her shaking her head.

"Hey I gave you three great nicknames. Bare with me now."

"Am I going to meet your girlfriend soon?" Jellybean asked.

"Yes. She's just out with Betty for a few hours."

"Who's Betty?"

"My girlfriend," Jughead answered.

"Your girlfriends are friends?"

"You could say that," FP says.

"It's complicated," Jughead added in. They didn't know how else to explain it.

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