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"I'll see you after work," FP kissed Alice at the door. She smiled again his lips. "Do you have to go to work?" Alice pouted. He pressed his forehead against hers. "Only for a couple of hours. I have a shorter shift today. Maybe then I'll be meeting you at your place."

"I'll be waiting," Alice kissed him once more before exiting the trailer so FP could get changed. "For now you'll just miss me."

"Sure will."

Alice drove back home to change. She crossed over to the northside, driving into the diner's parking lot. She was in the mood for some breakfast to go. Pop Tate greeted her when she came up to the counter. "Good morning, Alice. What's got you all joyful?" He chuckled, curious to know.

"Just a beautiful morning," Alice smiled. "May I get pancakes with some eggs on the side?"

"Coming right up," Pop jotted it down before heading into the kitchen.

"Oh and some orange juice, please."

Alice took a seat while she waited for her food. She looked into her purse for her phone while she waited. She searched everywhere for it but couldn't find it. "Dammit," She realized she must have left it at the trailer.

Pop came back with her orange juice. "Here's your juice. It'll be another fifteen minutes for the rest."

"Thank you," Alice took her wallet out to pay as her food was being prepared. She put a twenty dollar bill on the counter. Pop grabbed it and ringed her up. He handed her her change right after.

Alice put the take out on the passengers seat as she climbed in. She buckled in and headed back into the southside. She had a spare key FP gave her so she wasn't worried for if he wasn't still home. She parked right in front of the double wide. She turned the station wagon off and headed up the steps. She turned the knob. It was unlocked. She didn't have to use her key after all. She left herself in and shut the door. She scanned the room for her phone. She froze when her eyes landed on a ten year old girl standing in the kitchen. Jellybean lowered the mug she was drinking out of.

"I..." Alice didn't know what to say. She was speechless at the moment.

"Who are you?" Jellybean furrowed her eyebrows. "You better leave before I call my dad. He's the sheriff."

Alice spotted her phone on the counter. She had to get it without getting bombarded with questions. "Sorry, wrong trailer." Alice knew exactly who she was. FP has mentioned her multiple times. She looked exactly like he described her. "I'll get going." Alice abandoned her phone. She backtracked her way to the door. Jellybean spotted the phone on the counter. She grabbed it and waved it in the air. "This yours?" She assumed it was. She continued to stare at the unfamiliar woman. "What's it doing here?"

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