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FP popped the hood of the car open to take a look at the engine. Alice was inside finishing up any last minute packing for the two. Betty came out with a glass of water for him. "How's it looking?" Betty handed him the water. FP accepted it and took a sip. He was getting thirsty with the sun over him. "It's getting there. I think I finally found the problem."

Betty took a look for herself. "I used to fix cars with my dad. I could be some help."

"Feel free to look. It's definitely in there," FP pointed at the hood.

"It's right here, alright." Betty chuckled. Betty put her hand in and turned a knob. "Give it a try now. The cap was loose."

FP set the glass down and jumped in the car. He turned the engine on. The beautiful roar from the station wagon went off. Betty smiled satisfied with her contribution. "I know my stuff," Betty proudly stated.

"You definitely do. I've only showed Jughead how to fix our bikes so you have the advantage here."

Alice watched from the window as FP and Betty talked. She saw the smile on their faces. She loved how well they got along. "Whatcha staring at?" Jughead asked as he came into the room. Alice opened the blinds a little more so he could see. Jughead smiled at the scene. His father was important to him, as was Betty, so seeing them getting along made his world. "They're coming," Alice backed away from the window. "Act normal."

"It's not like we were staring at them or anything," Jughead jested as he walked over to the couch and flopped down.

"I do not," FP entered the house. His laughter filled up the room. "That's a lie."

"What's a lie?" Alice pecked a kiss on his lips.

"Betty here thinks I couldn't fix the car on my own. I would like to disagree."

"You were out there for an hour and all I did was tighten a cap," Betty shrugged. FP tossed the rag behind him and at her as he climbed up the stairs. Betty dodged it and laughed. "And you know it."

"I did a couple of things to the car prior to that," FP turned the corner into the hallway to his bedroom.

"He's just jealous," Betty told her mother. "He's going to be petty the whole drive there."

"Are you two done with your packing? Once he's out the shower we head out."

"Done," Jughead and Betty said in unison. He pecked a kiss on his girlfriend's lips right after. Alice smiled at the kids and went up stairs to check on her man.


FP helped take the bags out of the car while Alice went into to check in at the front desk. Jughead found a luggage cart and began to roll around in it. FP stopped him at the door. "Here, boy, take these inside." FP handed his son some of the bags. Jughead placed them on the cart and rolled them inside where he waited to get the key card to his room. He spotted Alice retrieving the key cards and followed her to the elevator. He walked past a sign on his way to her. "No running permitted in the lobby," Jughead read. He stiffled a laugh and kept on walking.

"What's got you all giggly?" Alice asked.

"No running in my lobby," Jughead mimicked as he wagged his finger at her.

FP walked in with the last of the bags. He ran into Betty who was trying to excuse herself away from a teenage boy. FP saw how uncomfortable she looked so he stepped in to help. "Can I help you?" FP directed at the boy. "You're not bothering my daughter, are you?"

"N-no sir," He took a step back.

"That's what I thought," FP eyed him as he walked over to the elevator. Betty trailed behind. She caught up with him inside the elevator. "You scared him," Betty laughed. "Thank you, FP."

"Anytime," FP watched her pressed the button for the third floor. Betty smiled back at him. She heard him call her his daughter. "You really think of me as your daughter?"

"Of course I do, well if you allow it." FP confirmed. "Any child of Alice's is a child of mine. It's my job to protect you like one of my own."

"I appreciate it."

"Now let's find the other two," FP walked out of the elevator when the door opened. He stopped in the hall and turned to her. "Are you up for a little joke?"

"You name it," Betty nodded eagerly.

FP dropped of his and Alice's bags in their room. He snuck up behind Alice and wrapped his arms around her. "This little vacation is going to be fun." FP spun her around and kissed her. "The kids are all settled in their room. I think we could all go down to the lounge for dinner now."

"I am hungry," Alice liked his idea. FP walked her out of the room with his arms still wrapped around her.

The lounge was pretty. The four were escorted to a nice table in the back. Their waiter placed the menus on their table. Jughead helped Betty into her seat and pecked a kiss on her lips.

"Forsythe, what did I tell you about kissing your sister?" FP tried his best to keep a serious look on his face. He turned to Alice. "Honey, didn't you talk to him?" Alice and Jughead both blushed when the waiter awkwardly looked at them. "I'll be back to take your order." The waiter slowly walked away after they sat down.

"What was that?" Alice smacked his chest. FP put his hand up and Betty gave him a high five. "You were in on that?" She asked her daughter.

"We thought it'd be funny," Betty chuckled. "Our family situation only made it easier."

"It was funny," FP laughed. Jughead didn't look amused. "Now people are going to think Betty's my sister."

"The look on your faces were worth it," FP shrugged.

"It was his idea," Betty put her hands up in defense. "But I'll admit it was kinda funny."

"Remind me to never leave you two alone together again," Alice said. "You two are having a little too much fun scheming."

"I second that," Jughead chimed in.

Alice and Jughead wouldn't admit it to them but they adored to see the two bond, even if it was in their own twisted way.

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