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FP and Alice were snuggled up close on the couch in her living room. Alice covered their bodies up with a warm blanket. FP had an arm holding her while her head perfectly rests on his body. They were watching a movie before their kids came storming in. Betty pointed to the VCR and Jughead quickly went over to it and inserted a tape.

"Boy, we were watching a movie."

"This will be much better," Jughead looked for the remote.

"I'll make popcorn!" Betty went into the kitchen.

"What are we watching?" Alice asked seeing as Jughead kept it on pause.

"You'll know when you see," Jughead kept it very vague. He kept it on pause while he waited for Betty to come back. Jughead dug his body in between the pair on the couch.

"Jug, I love you son but please go away."

"I've got the snacks," Betty excitedly came back into the room. She squeezed in between the parents too. "Press play Juggie."

"Can someone please tell me what is going on?" Alice threw her hands up in the air. Jughead let the video play and a stage was shown. They all quietly watched. Alice and FP realized what this was. They never knew Fred had video taped their performance. Fred was the man behind the camera. He turns it around to face him. "I built the damn sets for this play. I expect you to sing your ass out, Birdie." Fred pointed the camera down at the program in his hands. Alice was cast as Kim MacAfee and FP was Conrad Birdie. Birdie was a rock star being drafted into the military and as a farewell a contest was held in which he had to kiss one lucky girl, Kim.

"Did you know he was recording this?" Alice asked FP.

"No, did you?"

"No," Alice shook her head. The kids both hushed them. Jughead stuffed popcorn in his mouth. They seemed to be enjoying this. They could see Alice in a high school play but never expected FP to be in one too.

"I didn't know you could sing, dad." Jughead looked over at his father. "I knew you were in a band with Mr. Andrews but I pictured you more as the guitar guy in the back."

"Speaking of Andrews," FP stood up and walked towards the door.

"Where are you going?" Alice asked.

FP stepped out onto the porch and yelled towards Fred's house. "Freddie! Get your ass out here and explain to me why you have a tape of me singing!"

Fred popped a head out of a window when he heard his name. He looked down at FP. "You know you love it!" Alice came out and joined FP's side. "Right Kimmy! Getcha man Birdie to kiss you!"

"You know you were great, Jonesy." Alice complimented him on his performance.

"No I wasn't."

"Yes you were, baby." She left a kiss on his cheek.

"How did the kids get a hold of that tape anyway?" FP rose an eyebrow at Fred.

"They were watching it at my house with Archie! Thought you'd like to see it!"

"Well we did!" Alice yelled up at Fred.


"Should we go back inside and actually watch it instead of yelling at Freddie?"

"Yes," Alice nods. FP walks them back inside and join the kids on the couch. Their eyes were glued to the screen when the adults came in. "What did we miss?"

"My dad's singing," Jughead answered.

"He sings all the time."

"He does?" Jughead sounded surprised.

"No I don't," FP denied it.

"Yes you do," Alice chuckled. "You sing in the shower all the time when you think no one is home. You think I haven't caught you singing Twist and Shout, huh?"

"You heard that?"

"Don't get me wrong I love The Beatles but I love your version better."

"I'd pay to see you sing us a song."

"No amount of money will get me to do that."

"Please," Alice pouted and batted her eyes.

"Don't do that, Al."

"I'm not doing anything."

"You do that puppy dog face whenever you want me to do something."

"I do not," She continued to do it.

"You see. I can't do that," Jughead pointed at her face. "I may only have thirteen dollars to my name but that's enough to pay you."

"Put your money back in your pocket, boy."

"Come on FP. I'll be the Paul to your John." Fred let himself in while they were all busy asking FP to sing. They all turned to look at him.

"You need to stop letting yourself in," FP tells him.

"You need to stop leaving the door unlocked for me then," Fred huffed and pretended to be offended.

"We don't!" FP and Alice yell in unison.

"Okay then can I use my key?"

"You have a key to my house?" Alice questions.

"Well yeah, I made a copy." Fred pulled it out of his pocket. He saw the look on their faces and changed the subject. "Yeah FP let's hear you sing."

"Not happening." FP shook his head adamant to sing. "Shouldn't you be with your son?"

"He's right there," Fred pointed to the kitchen. Archie was looking in the pantry for something to eat. He had guitars slung to his shoulders.

"You have your son sneaking into my house too?" Alice looked at him in disbelief.

"Do you want to get FP to sing or not?"

"Yeah Mr. Jones," Archie munched on a piece of bread he found. "I taught Jug to play the guitar. How about you and my dad sing a bit?"

"You learned to play the guitar?" FP swerved his head to look at his son. "When?"

"Awhile back."

"Why didn't you tell me you could play?"

"For the same reason you don't want to sing."

"How about he plays the guitar and you sing?" Alice thought of a compromise to heard them both.

"I'm cool with it," Jughead shrugged. "What about you dad?"

"Fine," FP gave in. Archie handed Jughead a guitar and FP the other. FP was confused but took it. The two Jones men strummed a bit then everyone heard what they waited for, FP singing. Alice started the clap that everyone joined in on to follow the beat. "I'm never doing that again."

"Yes you are," They all tell him and laugh.

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