Diary 3

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FP and Alice arrived at an apartment complex. Charles said he lived in building E room 6. Alice parked in front of that section of the complex. FP got out of the car. Alice shut the car door and looked at the door. "That's him. Room 6."

"Let's go meet our son," FP snaked an arm around her and led her to the door. He gave it a light knock. A young man opened up.

"Charles?" Alice asked.

"No," He shook his head. "I'm Chic. His roommate. You must be the parents he's expecting. He should be here any minute. His shift ended a few minutes ago." Chic stepped out. He kept the door open for them. "Feel free to wait inside. I've got to get going though."

"Thanks," FP walked in and so did Alice. They shut the door and took a seat on the couch. It was a comfy looking place. FP picked up a picture frame on the table beside them. "This must be him."

"He looks just like you," She touched the picture with a smile. "Your dark hair, eyes, and chiseled face."

"But your curls and beautiful smile."

The door opened and FP put the picture back where it was before. Charles walked in and saw them. Alice was shaking but FP caused her to relax. "How'd you get in?"

"Your roommate let us in before he left," FP said.

"Oh," Charles tossed his keys onto the counter. He walked closer to them and sat in front of them. Alice looked him up and down. It was like she was looking at a younger version of FP. "Well I think we have a lot to talk about."

"We do," Alice nods. "First things first, I'm Alice, your mother. This is your father, FP."

"FP? What's that stand for?"

"Forsythe Pendleton," FP clarified. "I blame my father."

"Watch it, Forsythe. You named Jughead the same thing." Alice sassily tells him.

"Jughead?" Charles questioned.

"He's my other son. Your younger brother. He's sixteen."

"I have a brother?"

"Yes and two sisters," Alice added in.

"Three," FP corrected her.

"Three?" Alice was confused.

"I have a daughter too," FP tells her for the first time. Alice has only met Jughead through Betty recently. "Jellybean. Her real name though is Forsythia."

"Did you not know how to name your kids?" Charles scrunched his face. Alice chuckled. "Your other sisters are Polly and Elizabeth. Elizabeth goes by Betty though."

"So you two have four kids other than me?"

"Yes but no," FP was about to explain their situation. "Jughead and Jellybean are my kids but-"

"Polly and Betty are my kids," Alice finished the sentence for him.

"But I'm both of yours?"

"Yes," FP and Alice confirmed. "Our first born," FP added in.

"This is what we wanted to clear up for you," Alice said. She was preparing herself to give a lengthy explanation. "When we were in high school we had broken things off. Three months later I find out I was pregnant with you but I already was dating, Hal, the father of my daughters. He wanted me to have an abortion but I couldn't do that," Alice paused to control the sobs forming in her. FP rubbed her back to soothe her. "You were my baby. I couldn't do that so my only choice was to give you up for adoption and have a nice family give you everything I couldn't give you."

Charles listened carefully. Seeing his mother cry really brought him into perspective. He had been angry with them for years but knowing why things turned out the way they did convinced him to put his anger aside. "I didn't know that. I just thought you didn't want me as a son." He was ashamed for judging them all these years.

"No, I wanted you." Alice reached for his hand. She held it and assured him she was telling the truth.

"So this Hal bastard?" Charles was curious to know how he plays a part in this situation right now since FP was his father and here.

"That's my boy," FP said under his breath and laughing. Charles was able to hear though.

"He's gone. He left me and the girls a while back."

"I'm sorry." Charles said sincerely. "He didn't deserve you though." He looked over at FP. "So you? What's your story? Did you have someone else too?"

"She left too. Except she moved to Toledo with my daughter," FP said.

"I'm sorry about that too," Charles looked down at the floor and mused. He looked back up at them. "So are you together again?" He looked at the way FP held Alice.

"Sorta," FP answers on their behalf. "It's complicated but I'd say we're patching up things as we go."

"Well I'm glad to hear that," Charles smiled.

"We're glad to finally meet you, son."

"Back at you, dad." Charles realized what he said and apologized.

"It's okay. You can call me dad or FP. Whatever you're comfortable with. Same for your mother."

"I love you Charles," Alice wanted to tell him that so badly. She took the chance now that she had it. "Don't ever think otherwise."

"I love you too, mom." Charles got up and approached them for a hug. He loved the feeling he got hearing those words. His parents stood up. They shared a long but well deserved family hug. "You too, dad."

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