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Seeming as this season is finally Falice's time to shine. I really do think we'll get all sorts of scenes since they're living together.


As Alice adjusted to being back at the house she found herself enjoying FP's presence again. There was a twinkle in her eyes whenever she saw him around the house. FP would get just as ecstatic. He was notably happier when she was around.

Alice grew a wide smile when she walked into the kitchen and saw FP. He was stacking plates back into the shelves as he dried them. Her eyes drifted to the tiny peek of his Serpent tattoo when his shirt would rise the slightest.

"Hey," FP caught a glimpse of her in the corner.

"Is this what you have been up to since you got home?" Alice walked to where he was.

"Looks like it was my day," FP took a look at the chore tracker on the refrigerator.

"So you do pay attention," She moved to wrap her arms around his waist.

"Are you saying I don't?" He chuckled and stacked the last plate on the shelf before turning to face her. She moved her arms up to his neck. "Maybe," She bantered.

"Oh yeah?" He arched an eyebrow. He walked forward until she hit her back against the kitchen island. "I think I pay more than enough attention." He hoisted her up to the surface. He gripped onto the edge of the counter at her sides, leaning teasingly closer. "Maybe you don't pay attention."

"I know everything, Jones. Did you forget that?" She challenged which only aroused him more. She pressed her forehead against his. "It's my job to."

"Being nosy has always been your specialty."

"Nosy?" She shook her head. "No, honey, I'm just well informed."

"Call it what you want, Al. Nosy is nosy."

"Which only means I know everything you like." She smirked. She could see him thinking about it. "Uh huh, that's what I thought."


FP flopped down onto the couch, pulling Alice down with him. He kept his arms curled protectively around her and had her snugged up against him. Alice giggled and looked over at the wall. "Did you seriously bring that with you?" Alice pointed at the fish on the plaque. "You have a poor taste in home decor."

"What? You don't like my fish?" He puckered his lips up like one.

Alice squished his cheeks together. "You're such a goofball. Luckily a very handsome one."

"Handsome, huh?"

She felt his smile against her fingers. "Mhmm," Alice stared at his lips. She brought his face down closer to hers. "Ridiculously stunning."

"Kiss me."

"Kiss you?" She smirked.

"You know you want to." He goaded. He knew he also wanted to kiss her just as badly. Those soft plump lips of hers were very tempting.

She was still holding onto his face and she could see the sparkle in his eyes. They were just begging her to kiss him. "Maybe I want you to kiss me," Alice leaned in closer.

"I'd be more than glad to," FP filled in the gap and smashed their lips together. He loved the smile against his lips soon after. He looked down at her and jokingly puckered his lips like a fish again. He got a laugh out of her. He loved that sweet laugh more than anything.

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