Good Morning

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Peewee wandered into his parents' bedroom early in the morning. He called out for them but didn't get a response. He grabbed onto the covers and pulled himself up. He flopped down in between them and snuggled up against them as he waited for them to wake up.

FP opened an eye not too long after. "Hey there, kiddo. Good morning."

"Good morning," The toddler smiled.

"Mama is still asleep." FP sat up and pulled him onto his lap. "We have to be very quiet." He whispered to the boy.

"Shh," He agreed.

"Do you want to help me get ready for work in the meantime?"

The boy nodded. FP slipped out of bed and put him down. He followed him to the closet. "We're going to need this," FP took his button up out. "And this." Followed by his pants. He draped it against his shoulder. "And let's not forget my undershirt." FP picked a plain white t-shirt out of one of his drawers.

Peewee ran out of the room without warning. FP watched his little feet go. He let out a quiet chuckle. The boy was unpredictable. FP put his pants on and ran his arms through the t-shirt.

Peewee came back into the room with a toy cruiser, similar to his father's. "It's just like mine." FP said as he buttoned his long sleeve up. He scooped him up. "Maybe one day you'll drive one just like me."

"Vroom," Peewee flung the car around.

"What are my boys up to?" Alice's voice became apparent.

"Good morning, Al." FP walked over to the bed and pecked a kiss on her lips. "He was helping me get ready for work."

"I have to do that too," Alice sighed and hid under the covers. Peewee reached down and pulled the blanket away. Alice giggled at that. "It's time to get up, isn't it?" Peewee mischievously smiled.


FP started the coffee machine and sets Peewee down in his high chair in the kitchen. "Do you want cereal or fruit for breakfast?"


"You got it," FP chuckled. He grabbed the box from the pantry and poured it into a bowl for his son."Here you go." He placed it in front of him. Peewee didn't wait to put his hand into it.

"Good morning, FP." Betty entered the room.

"Good morning, Betty."

"Is my mom up?"

"She should be down any minute."

Jellybean walked into the kitchen and tried to reach for the coffee. "Ah, ah." FP grabbed the mug. "That's mine, JB."

"But I want coffee," Jellybean whined. "I need it."

"You don't need coffee, sweetheart." He pecked a kiss on the top of her head and handed her the cereal box. "Here have this instead."

"This is Peewee's baby cereal."

"Well you're my little baby too, so eat up."

Betty tried her best not to laugh but Jellybean noticed. She sent her an unamused look.

"Good morning, everyone." Alice came down the stairs cheerfully. "Isn't it a lovely day today?"

"What's got her so happy?" Jellybean asked Betty.

"We probably don't want to know," Betty told her. Jellybean scrunched her nose.

FP smiled the second he saw her. He felt so lucky to be in love with her. He watched her walk towards him with a glow in her eyes. She reciprocated the same smile back to him. He handed her the mug in his hand.

"You said that was yours," Jellybean witnessed him happily give her the coffee.

"Huh?" FP said.

"Thank you, honey." Alice took a sip before placing it on the counter. She noticed the loose tie around his next. "You haven't tied the thing yet." She grabbed both ends of the tie and began to do it for him.

"I forgot to." He was still too fixated on her to acknowledge anything else.

"Or more like you want me to do it." She tightened the tie around his neck. "There you go, you goof." He still had that goofy smile on his face. "You're not even listening, are you?

"Mhm," FP truly wasn't.

Alice placed a hand behind his neck. She teasingly pulled him closer to her face. His smile managed to get wider than it already was.

Jellybean cleared her throat. "We're right here, you know?" It changed nothing. She looked at Betty for help. Betty shrugged. There was nothing they could do.

FP pecked a kiss on Alice's lips. She giggled like a school girl against his lips.

"You see what your parents are like?" Betty walked to the high chair."And they wonder how you and Charles are surprises."

"We heard that," FP and Alice turned their attention towards her. FP coiled his arms around Alice's waist from behind.

"That you hear?" Jellybean shook her head fondly. She grabbed an apple and walked out. Betty sweetly pinched Peewee's cheek then left too.

"You heard that, Ezekiel? Your sisters love us so much." Alice smiled at the boy. He showed them a big, toothy smile.

"That's our boy," FP proudly stated.

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