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Charles snuck out of his room in the middle of the night when he was sure his parents were asleep. He gave their room a quick check before leaving. His father was snoring and his mother was sleeping by his side. Charles shut the door quietly and went to his room. He opened his window. He went out legs first. He stretched his legs out until he could reach the tree. When he was safely on the tree he climbed down. He went to the garage to grab his bike. He walked it out to the sidewalk before pedaling it to Sweetwater where he was meeting his friends.

A couple hours later he comes back home and sneaks back into the house the same way he snuck out. He shut the window quietly and got back in bed believing he was in the clear. That's where he was wrong. The light switch flips on in his room and FP shows himself underneath the doorframe. Charles mentally cursed to himself.

"Boy you had me worried sick," FP was not happy to see him sneak back into the house at 3 in the morning.

"Huh?" Charles yawned. He was trying to keep himself covered with the blanket to avoid looking at the glare he was getting from his father.

"Don't play dumb. I just saw you sneaking back into the house." FP shut the door to avoid waking up his wife. He did not wake her up before because he didn't want her to worry. "I invented sneaking out of the house at night. Don't think I don't know when you do it."

"Alright you caught me but I didn't do anything bad. I just hung out with my friends, I swear."

"If you're going to do something that is wrong at least do it right," FP was disappointed in his son right now but he always found a way to put humor into the situation. He was not done scolding him though. "I don't ever want to see you sneaking out again. Do you know how dangerous that is? You don't know what creeps are out there lurking the dark."

"Please don't tell mom," Charles shot a terrified look at him. He was afraid to face his mother. If she found out he snuck out after curfew he would not hear the end of it. The woman was more terrifying than FP and FP knew that.

FP sighed. He closed his eyes and pinched the arch of his nose. "I won't tell her-"

"Thank you," Charles immediately thanked him.

"-if you promise me you won't ever pull a stunt like that ever again."

"I promise," Charles nods.

"Good," FP said. He walked back to the door and turned the knob. "Oh and one last thing."


"You're grounded for a week."

"Aw, come on dad," Charles whined.

"Don't make it two," FP pointed a finger at him.

"Fine," Charles huffed.


In the morning Alice was in the kitchen making breakfast and FP was in his chair reading the morning paper. Their teenage boy walked in. Alice saw him and smiled. "Good morning baby." She placed a plate of french toast on the table for him. She kissed the top of his head before going back to the kitchen to grab the rest. FP looked up from his paper. Charles shyly locked eyes with him. "Mornin' dad."

"Good morning son." They pretended as if nothing happened last night. Alice brought the juice and two more plates over. She gave FP his plate and she cut into her breakfast. She looked up and smiled at her boys. FP smiled back and cut into his food. Charles tried to avoid looking into her eyes with the guilt he felt inside.

"Do you have plans with your girlfriend today, sweetheart?" Alice asked her son. She knows he really likes Fred's and Hermione's daughter. They've been dating for a couple months now.

"No," FP answered for him. "He's actually going to wash my car and clean out the garage today."

"I am?" Charles looked at him confused but caught on. "I am," Charles nods confirming it to his mother.

"You are?" She was surprised.

"He volunteered to do it. What a great son, right honey?" FP smiled knowing he found a way to get him to do it without saying no.

"That's very sweet of you, baby. I've been telling your dad to clean out the garage for ages and he never listens."

"Thought I could help you with that problem."

"Attaboy," FP took a bite of french toast. "Bet you're even going to start after you finish breakfast and wash the dishes."

"Of course," Charles smiled to hide the fact he was internally screaming. After washing the dishes he went outside to find a bucket. He used the hose to fill it up with water. He dipped a rag inside the soapy water and began to wipe the car doors.

FP stood at the door watching him begin to crack a sweat. Alice walked by and saw him staring at their son. She joined his side and wrapped her arms around him, resting her head on his body. FP rests his arm on her shoulders and pulls her closer. "He's such an angel," Alice awed.

"He's a good boy when he wants to be."

There was a knock on the door they both heard. "I'll get it," FP insists. Alice nods and leans on the wall still looking at Charles clean. FP opened the front door and their neighbor stood there.

"Good morning Mr. Jones. Is Charles around?" She sweetly asked.

"He's out back washing my car." FP tells her. "How's your dad doing? Is he up yet?"

"He's watching tv back at the house. He woke up early just to catch the game," She said about Fred. "I think I'll stop by later once Charles is done." She excused herself.

"Does that mean I won't be seeing you for a week?" FP hinted. He knows she most likely was at that get together too.

"What do you mean?" She was confused.

"I assume you might know about his sneaking out last night."

She gaped. By her response he can tell she snuck out too but her parents didn't catch her. "Please don't tell my parents," She begged. FP opened the closet door in the foyer and handed her a bucket. "I won't if you don't mention it to Alice. She doesn't know I grounded him so let's keep it that way."

"I'm gonna go help Charles now," She took the bucket and shamefully went to go join her boyfriend. Charles saw her with a bucket and put the rest together.

"My dad?"

"Yup," She sighed.

"Honey come look at this," Alice motioned for him to come see. "Isn't that adorable? She's helping him."

"I know," FP said. "She saw him and came to ask if she could help too."

"Well if that isn't the cutest thing," Alice squeals. "Fred and Hermione have such a perfect daughter."

"Come on, how about we go snuggle on the couch?" FP had her in a bear hug. He pecked kisses all around her neck.

"I'd love that."

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