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FP sat in the king's room upstairs at the Wyrm where he was unbothered by his fellow Serpent friends. He kicked his feet up on the table and poured himself a drink. He was reminiscing all the good times he had with Alice. They were starting to get close again but then came the big argument that pushed them apart.

The night of his retirement party was meant to turn things around for him, and them, but he stuck to the same life he couldn't leave behind. Blurbs of his speech would replay in his head to remind him of his stupid mistakes.

But through it all the Serpents stuck by my side. When most other people turned their backs on me.

He remembers taking a glance at her. Her face was distraught, hurt. She caught on to the message he subtly directed to her.

My own family included.

He could not forget her wanting to leave. He had watched her turn her back to him and walk away when she failed to take her daughter along. That however didn't stop him from continuing his speech but now he wished it had. He was heated.

The northside wants me out of this gang. Well they better bring a coffin 'cause FP Jones isn't retiring.

FP put the wine bottle on the table. He took a long sip out of his glass. Alice was excited to hear he was retiring from a gang of hoodlums, as she would put it. She was taken back when he didn't follow through. He was so angry with himself that he threw his glass across the room. When it hit the wall it shattered into pieces that fell and formed a clump on the floor. He sat up straight and dug his face into his hands. He ran his fingers up and down his face. He wanted to listen to her but needed to do the opposite.

There was a light knock on the door. "FP? You alright in there?" Hog Eye came to check up on him. He knows he wanted nothing more than to be alone but he was still his friend. FP was his leader after all.

"Go away!"

"Are you sure you're fine?"

"I'm fine!" FP snapped. He kicked the chair over. Hog Eye sighed and went back to the bar. FP opened the drawer and reached far inside. His fingertips felt the picture frame he was searching for. It was a picture of their younger days when they were inseparable. He pulled it out and stared at it. His face softened up. He needed her. He needed to make things right with her if he didn't want to lose her again. He gently put the picture back where it was hidden. It meant a lot to him and if anything happened to it his heart would shatter. He unlocked the door and rushed down the stairs ignoring everyone that was concerned for him.

It was pouring harshly outside. He used his jacket as an umbrella to make his way to his truck. He climbed in and drove to the northside. Unfortunately for him his vehicle broke down halfway there. FP slammed the steering wheel and let himself out. He had to get to Alice and wasn't going to let the rain stop him. He ran the rest of the way. He recognized Elm street and searched for house 111. That's where he would find her. He knocked on her front door with anticipation. He was exhausted, soaked, determined, and she was only the love of his life. "Alice please," He continued to bang on the door.

Alice was not expecting him and she couldn't face him. She wanted so much from him but he let her down. She wanted the best for him. "Go away!" Alice poked her head out of her window. She honestly did want him here but she was too stubborn to let him know that. She could only push him away. It was a coping mechanism. "I don't want you here!"

"Please Al," He begged. The loss of breath was clear in his voice. "I need to talk to you. Please listen to me." He slicked the wet hair on his forehead back. There was pain inside his eyes that she could see. She was also holding it back. "I'm sorry! I'm so sorry! Forgive me please! I don't want this is to be us anymore! I want us to be happy! I want you!"

"I can't forgive you! You really had me! I thought you were going to change for the better. For you. For us." She felt the burn run up her throat from choking back the tears.

"Why won't you just let me be a Serpent?" Alice shut the window and went back inside. FP didn't take his eyes off the window. He hoped she would come back. "It's just something I need to be. Maybe you don't understand why but I have to."

He wasn't going to leave. Suddenly the front door opened. Alice stood there dejected. Her voice was shaky. "Because I care about you. I worry about you." Alice confessed. "Do you think it'll be easy for me to sleep? Do you think I won't stay up wondering if you're safe? If you're dead or alive? I barely made it out the Serpents in one piece. I had a criminal record, FP. Do you know what could have happened if I wasn't pulled out of that? I probably wouldn't even be standing right here talking to you."

FP didn't want to think about the cruel things that could have happened to her. She began to let tears stream down her face. He reacts by holding her close. His arms protected her and she felt at home. "I don't want to worry about you getting hurt. It's very risky."

"I promise I won't get myself into danger."

"Are you retiring?" Her face was very hopeful. He couldn't bear break her but he couldn't tell her what she wanted to hear. He had to tell her the truth. "I'm sorry," He shook his head. "It's me or my son and I can't have him near that."

"It's not the same."

"Al-" FP stopped. She looked up at him. He looked into her eyes then down at those lips. There was only one thing he thought could help them. He cupped her face and kissed her. "I love you Alice." He said confidently.

"I love you too much," Alice grabbed him and went for another kiss. "What are we going to do now?" Neither knew what the future held for them. They were just focused on the love they had always had for each other.

"I'm not sure but I'm not going anywhere." They held each other tightly. Neither were going to let go any time soon. "I want you Alice. I'm not letting you go again."

"Okay but can you release a little. You're holding on too tight," Alice chuckled. FP smiled and loosened his grip. She was now more than comfortable in his arms. "You can't get rid of me that easily," FP joked.

"I wouldn't want to anyway," Alice wiped her tears on his shirt. FP could feel her smile pressed on his chest. She listened to his heartbeat. It was silent but if walls could talk there wouldn't be an end to how much these two love each other.

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