Little Helper

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"Hold still, alright?" FP set up the timer on the camera. "We have to do this before mommy comes home. We don't want her to know."

"I am," Charles said. FP quickly moved back onto the couch and placed him on his lap. He held him in his arms and kissed the top of his head. FP heard the camera shutter. He continued to peck kisses all over his cheek. "The picture daddy!" He giggled.

"Don't worry. I think we finally got it." FP stood up with Charles in his arms. He carried him over to the camera. "Whatcha think? Does it look like that one?" FP pointed to the picture he was trying to recreate.

"I'm a baby in that one," Charles pointed out the only difference.

"You're still my baby," FP tickled him. Charles squirmed and squealed with laughter. "Are you still my little baby?"

"Big boy! Big boy!" Charles giggled out.

"Alright," FP chuckled and set him down. "Big boy it is." Charles ran to the couch. "How about you go draw your mommy a Valentine's day card before she gets home."

"Okay!" Charles ran his room to grab his crayons. FP watched him go in awe.


"I'm home!" Alice announced as she walked in through the door.

"Mommy!" Charles ran to her. He leaped into her arms.

"Hi, baby." Alice kissed his cheek.

"Big boy," He corrected her.

"Hi, baby." FP came into the room and kissed her. He had the SD card hidden in his pocket and was ready to head out to the store now that she was home. Charles saw the giddy smile on his mother's face and grew jealous. "I baby," Charles clutched onto Alice tighter.

"No," FP smirked. "You said you were a big boy."

"Okay but now I baby," Charles huffed.

"Alright, knucklehead." He ruffled his hair. "Behave for mommy while I run an errand for your uncle, Freddie. Bye, honey. I'll be back in like an hour."

"Bye, see you later." Alice waved him goodbye from the door as he drove away in his truck. Once he was out of sight she shut the door. "Alright, baby. Can you be my little helper and help me make your daddy a Valentine's day gift?"

"Draw?" Charles yelled rather excitedly.

"Yes, you can draw him a card to go with the pretty gift I got him."

"What gift?"

"You want to see it?"

"Yes!" Charles nodded his head ferociously.

Alice reached into her purse and pulled out a jewelry box. She opened it and lowered it down to his level so he could see. "It's a soy-pent."

"Yes, baby." Alice confirmed. The snake pendant matched one she used to wear back then. "For the king."


The Joneses woke up the following morning to Valentine's day. Charles leaped onto his parents bed with his two drawings. "Wake up! Wake up! It's!" He didn't know how to say Valentine's.

FP pulled him in between them so they could cuddle with him. "Good 'morning, Charles." He said groggily. "Happy uh day to you too."

"Happy Valentine's day to my boys," Alice stated with the biggest smile.

"I made you both cards," Charles handed them each a drawing. "Do you like them?"

"We love them," They said in unison.

"Which reminds me," FP reached into the drawer on the nightstand and pulled out his gift. "Happy Valentine's day, Al."

Alice handed him her gift to him. "Happy Valentine's day, Jonesy." FP grabbed the box as they exchanged gifts. They opened it at the same time.

"This is beautiful," Alice adored the recreated picture next to the original.

"This is amazing," FP held the necklace carefully in his hand.

Charles looked at the framed images. "Daddy took forever."

"Hey, it had to be perfect." FP tickled his sides. "As for this. I love it." FP kept his eyes glued to the necklace. He put it on. "Reminds me of one you used to wear."

"I wanted you to have a piece of me on you all the time."

"I have a piece of you following me around the house already," FP chuckled. He looked at Charles.

"Except this one can actually go into the Wyrm with you," Alice grabbed the pendent and smiled. FP stared at her beautiful smile in awe. "I love you," He told her.

"I love you too," Alice leaned in to kiss him but Charles got in between them. "And I love me," Charles cheekily smiled. He got their kisses and was proud of it.

"We love you too."

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