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The stench of alcohol was at its bare minimum but still very strong. He sat on the couch with a half empty bottle in his hand and a mind full of thoughts. He stared out into space. The radio was on loud, drowning out the silence. An old Elvis song was playing in the background. FP listened to the lyrics until they sank in.

I would beg and steal
Just to feel your heart
Beatin' close to mine

He couldn't bear it. His fingers trembled and lost their grasp on the bottle. It slipped out of his hand and shattered down at his feet. He sighed and pushed himself off the couch. He walked to the kitchen to grab another one, shutting the radio on the counter off in the process. He pried the refrigerator door and reached in for a beer. His hand didn't feel another bottle inside. He shut the refrigerator door disappointed. He gripped onto the counter tightly, taking in a deep breath. He released shortly after. His eyes drifted to the wall behind him as he remembered what was there. He walked closer to the papers scattered across the wall. He stared at Alice's mugshot, running his fingers swiftly across the picture.

The front door opened and Jughead walked in with Betty. His son noticed the mess in the living room. Betty's eyes went straight to FP standing in the kitchen, staring out in front of him, with his hands in his pockets. Jughead took note of the fact that he was in his sheriff's uniform again. "Are you going back to work today?" Jughead asked. FP turned around to acknowledge the kids. He nodded and walked to the door. He grabbed his jacket off the rack before stepping out.

He sat in his cruiser for a good twenty minutes, just thinking again. Raindrops sprinkled from the sky. He turned the ignition on and pulled out of Sunnyside. He stared at the road in front of him, driving past all the huge, bulky trees to his sides. He felt the tires drive over the train tracks and into the northside. He felt the shivers travel down his spine. He passed the diner. He saw all the happy townsfolk from his rearview mirror. His focus however was on getting to Elm st. to visit the big white house with a bright red door.

He parked in front of said house and stepped out of the car. He made his way up the steps. He knocked on the door and patiently waited for it to swing open. He shoved his hands back into his pocket. The door pushed open and Alice poked her head out. His face softened when he saw her. She opened the door a little more and ran into him. Her arms coiled around him. He moved his arms and embraced her. Her head nuzzled into his neck and he kissed the side of her head.

The rain started to pour down on them, much harder than it was earlier. A younger man walked up to the front door. He leaned on the doorframe. "Mom," He called for Alice. "It's time to come back inside." Alice released FP and walked back into the house. Her eyes didn't leave his until the door closed and FP was left in the rain, to stare at the red door. The raindrops pushed his shoulders down. His face was glum. His eyes began to form tears, urging to fall out. He hated the water.

"FP!" Fred yelled from the porch next door. "It's pouring, man! You're getting all soaked." FP didn't respond so he stepped out into the rain and ran over to him. He walked him over to his house. He left him in the foyer to go grab him a towel. FP leaned against the wall and slid down to the floor. Fred came back quickly and caught him halfway down. He picked him up and walked him to the stairs, where he sat him down. Fred wrapped the towel around him and sat by his side.

"She's gone, FP." Fred's voice was gentle. "You know that."

"I don't want to know that," FP's voice hinted pain. "I want that door to open so I can hold her in my arms again."

"I know," Fred put a hand on his shoulder. "I know."

FP hid his face in his hands. "It's all that stupid farm's fault. That damn Edgar." FP clenched his hands into fists. "I can't even look at water anymore without thinking of her." FP was left heartbroken after getting the phone call at the station. Alice, his Alice, drowned in front of all those people. Her body was cold in his arms. He was hysterical. He couldn't let her go but the second they managed to move her from his hold he charged at Edgar. He was suspended from his job for throwing the punch at Edgar at the scene. He didn't care at all. He just wanted her back.

"The authorities dealt with it the legal way. You did everything you could. The farm was questioned and condemned."

"I loved her," FP croaked out. "And I lost her."

"She's always with you," Fred corrected him.

"He's right," Alice stood in front of FP. She knelt down to his level. She lifted his head up to look at her. "I'm always here." Alice put a hand over his heart. "We always will be." She turned her head back. He waved Charles over to join them. "We both are right here."

"Yeah, dad." Charles chimed in. "Don't take it out on the world. We haven't gone anywhere."

"I love you, Jonesy." FP pursed his lips. Her words pried their way into his heart and shook him up.

"Are you going to be okay?" Fred asked him. FP was snapped out of his daze. He looked at him then back at Alice. Charles suddenly disappeared but then he looked down at her arms. There was a baby. She handed FP the baby and he carefully cradled him in his arms. "I always knew we were going to be okay." She grabbed one of Charles' tiny hands. She pecked a kiss on FP's forehead. She was assuring him that things were going to be alright. FP looked down at their baby boy and smiled.

"Everything is going to be okay," He answered Fred's question. "Alice always knew it would."

"Thanks good to hear," Fred sent him a warm smile. FP watched the baby fade away but he knew he was going to be okay. He would never stop loving Alice. He would never stop thinking about her.

Some Falice angst in parallel to my oneshot January 20

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