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FP unlocks the door to his trailer while in the middle of a full out make out session with Alice. He swings the door open. Alice walks in backwards as he leads her to the kitchen.

"We're here to help you pack, remember?" She teases.

"We have all the time in the world for that." He chuckles. She latches onto him and he picks her up. He walks over to the counter and sets her down. "Think about it. We can do this whenever we want after I move in."

She cups his face and kisses him. Her eyes were drawn to the wall behind them. She breaks away from the kiss to ask him a question. "Is that my mugshot on your wall?"

FP turned around to see. "Hot, right?" He goes in for another kiss but she swerves her head. "Let me rephrase, why is my mugshot on your wall?" She chuckles.

"Well it was the only picture I could've put up without raising flags about us. After the awkward talk we had with the kids it kinda just stayed there."

"You're so weird."

"Am not."

"Honey, I love you but you practically named your kids the same thing. That's weird." FP gapes at her comment. "But you're my weirdo."

The kids walk in on them kissing. Jughead sighes and walks back out. "Every single time!" FP and Alice pull apart. Betty awkwardly steps away to follow Jughead. The parents look at each other and laugh.


"Boy!" FP comes down the stairs looking for his son. "What did I tell you about taking my flannels?"

Jughead looks away from the television and looks at him. "I didn't take them." Jughead tugs on his shirt. "This is mine."

"I know you keep wearing mine and I-" FP turns and sees Alice come out of the kitchen wearing his shirt. "-just love the way they look on you, Al." He approaches her with open arms and puts his hands in her back pockets. He kisses her and completely forgets he was yelling at Jughead.

"Get a room," Jughead shields his eyes. FP grabs Alice's hand and leads her to the couch to sit. FP flops down right next to him. He ruffles his hair and laughs. "Remember those words next time I walk in on you and Betty."

"No don't get a room," Alice smacks FP's chest.

"That's not what I meant," FP rubs the spot she hit. "Definitely don't get a room." He points a finger at him.

"Can we not have this conversation?" Betty comes down from her room.

"Please make them stop," Jughead looks up at her. She leans down to peck a kiss on his cheek before walking over to the kitchen for a snack.

"What are they doing?"

"Nothing," FP answers.

"I wouldn't say the last five minutes was nothing," Jughead says. FP gawks and stands up. He grabs Jughead, throws him over his shoulder, and carries him towards the back door. "Put me down. Put me down!" FP could hear him let out some giggles.

"What are you doing?" Betty asked. Alice grabs her hand and leads her out too. FP sets Jughead down and he stands there confused.

"Okay, we're outside. Now what?" Jughead does not know why they're all outside.

"We don't let haters hang out in the house." FP crosses his arms.

"Oh God, has Sweet Pea been teaching you new words?"

"Haters gonna hate," Alice backs FP up.

"We've got to talk Sweet Pea about his little lessons." Betty whispers to Jughead.

Archie stares out the window into the Smith-Jones backyard. "What is going on?" He asks his father. Fred approaches the window to see.

"Son, I've seen weirder things back in my day with those two goofballs. Now it's with all four of them."

"Weirder than the mugshots of Mr. Jones and Ms. S on their refrigerator?"

"Yes," Fred puts a hand on Archie's shoulder. "But I always knew those two would end up together."

"You did?"

"Yup," Fred opens the window. He points out at the older couple. "If you were ever stuck in a room with them you would be able to cut the sexual tension with a knife." Fred poked his head out the window. "Hey, greasers and baby greasers! What's going on down there?"

The four stop what they were doing and look up. "Just some family bonding, Frederick!" Alice yells up at him.

"Doesn't look like you're bonding," He laughs.

"This is how we bond!" FP adds in.

"It's weird but it's true!" Jughead puts two thumbs up.

"If you can't beat 'em you join 'em!" Betty adds in too.

"Well good luck with that!" Fred shakes his head with a chuckle and gets back in his house.

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