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"Not again," Alice was in her trailer cleaning up when a sheepdog snuck inside her home once again. He has very long white fur and patches of black here and there. He was also a wild dog which caused Alice's frustration towards him.

She picked up the dog and carried him over to its owner a few trailers down from hers. The dog barked and wagged his tail the whole walk. She gave the front door a harsh knock. FP opened the door with a beer in his hand. He grabbed the dog and closed the door. Alice knocked on the door again irritated by his response. He opened it again with the beer bottle still in his hand except Hot Dog was now sitting by his feet.

"You need to keep your dog in your trailer! I'm sick and tired of him wandering into my trailer and making a mess!" Alice began to yell at him. She noticed how he was not reacting. He took a sip of his beer and just looked at her. "Are you even listening to me? Keep your dog away from me!"

FP looked down at his dog. Hot Dog was wagging his tail and looking up at him. "Stay away from blondie." Hot Dog barked and FP looked back at Alice. "Happy now?"

"This isn't funny FP," Alice scoffed. "I want you to take me seriously. I won't tolerate this mutt in my home." FP stared at her. He tilted his head slightly. She continued to rant to him about grooming the dog and many other dog related things. He looked at the way her eyebrows furrowed when she was annoyed and how her lips purse when she knows he isn't listening. "Don't just stand there and look stupid. Tell me you're going to keep an eye on your dog."

"Do you want to go to the Wyrm?"

"Are you seriously asking me to go to the bar right now?" Alice scrunched her face in disbelief.

"Well I'm going anyway-" FP grabbed his leather jacket and put it on while his eyes were still on her. "-and I might as well ask you to come. Hot Dog is going to keep roaming around Sunnyside and you clearly don't want him near you."

"I could use a drink," Alice shrugged. "But don't think of this like a date or something."

"Who said this was a date? I just need more alcohol to drown your yelling out." Alice smacked his chest and rolled her eyes. FP laughed and shut his door. He tossed the empty empty bottle in his hand into the trash on their walk to the Whyte Wyrm. FP walked in first and Alice came in behind him. He made it to the bar and turned around to see Alice far behind him. "Come on sweetheart. I know you miss the mutt but you both need time apart." Alice rolled her eyes and took a seat on the stool beside him.

"Gimme a glass of tequila. The missus won't stop yapping to me about my dog."

"Am not."

"Well then how did we end up here?" FP continued his banter towards her. He had a smirk fighting to form on his face.

"I'll take two shots, hold the wyrm." Alice held up two fingers. Hog Eye poured the drinks for them. He was very curious to see what happens between these two.

"Want to hear a secret?" FP turned his head to look at Alice.

"It's not much of a secret if you go around telling people."

"Well do you want to know or not?"

"I didn't say you shouldn't tell me."

"I may have trained Hot Dog to go find and annoy you," FP laughed.

"Fucking bastard," Alice said. "Why the hell would you do that?"

"Did you come to my trailer to yell at me for it?" FP leaned on the counter and had a mirthful smile on his face.

"You wanted me to go yell at you?"

"Well it's one way of getting to see you." FP was not ashamed of his shenanigans. He had the hots for Alice and wanted to see her. Boy was he glad she finally got her to go see him at his trailer. She'd usually just take the dog outside and hope he'd leave on his own.

"You're such an idiot."

"I may be an idiot but this idiot scored a date with you, didn't he?"

"This isn't a date."

"Whatever you say, babe."

"Don't call me babe," Alice had to bite down on her cheeks to stop herself from smiling. She knows that's what he wants and she wasn't letting him know he was getting to her.

"Fine, sweetheart."

"Shut up."

"Well then how does sweet cheeks sound? You're already blushing," He poked her side. He was winning and he knew it.

"I am not," Alice huffed before looking away from his face.

"You know you love it, dollface." FP grabbed her chin gently and turned her to face him. "Am I wrong? If I am feel free to tell me."

"You're pathetic," Alice teased.

"Ouch," FP placed his hands on his chest. Alice laughed and leaned in to kiss him. When she parted from the kiss he looked at her with an intrigued look. "I thought you said this wasn't a date, Al."

Alice was loving the nickname he just gave her. She wanted to have one for him too. "Well then Jonesy maybe I was wrong."

"Jonesy huh?" FP thought about it. He kind of liked it but only if she called him it. "Well Al, how about we go thank Hot Dog?"

"For what?"

"For being my little wingman."

"I guess I'm starting to like that dog," Alice sighed.

"Aw man," FP chuckled. "Now how am I going to get you to yell at me."

Alice leaned in and whispered something in his ear. It must have been shocking because Hog Eye saw his jaw drop. FP left money on the counter and walked out with Alice in his arms.

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