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FP walked into the trailer and called out for Jughead. Jughead stepped out of the bathroom, towel in hand, drying his hair. "Do you have plans with Betty tonight?"

"Not as of right now," Jughead slipped on a clean shirt.

"Make some," FP says walking to his room, specifically his closet.

"Why?" Jughead wasn't complaining but he was wondering why he had to. He followed him to his room. He stood in the doorframe watching him look through clothes and grabbing a box. "What do you plan to do? I'm not just going to take Betty out of her house so you can have sex with her mom."

"No that's not what I have planned at all. Well not entirely."

"Gross dad."

"I just need you to take her out and invite Alice to tag along. At least for an hour."

"Okay, again why?"

"You'll know after that hour. So yes or no?"

"Okay okay. I'll go call her."

"Thank you."

Jughead went to go look for his phone and stepped outside. FP grabbed a bottle of wine he kept hidden and a blanket. He would have packed something for him and Alice to munch on but knowing Jughead they would probably be grabbing a bite at Pop's. FP stashed the items in the box and carried it to his truck.

"Betty said yes and she got Ms. S to tag along." Jughead watched him get ready to leave.

"Great. You should get going. I don't want anyone there when I get there."

"Alright," Jughead chuckled. "You're one crazy man."

"Everyone's a little crazy when they're in love," FP thought out loud.

Jughead stopped on the top step of the stairs to the trailer and looked back at him. His jaw dropped to what he just heard him say. "You're in love?"

FP scratched the back of his neck. He nodded and Jughead smiled. He could see it in his eyes. He was in love with Alice Smith, always has been, no doubt in that. "I love her, Jug."

"I believe you."

Jughead texted his dad when the coast was clear. He was sitting in his truck a block away, in the opposite direction to Pop's. He got out of his truck and took the box over to Alice's house. He went into her backyard. He placed the box on the floor and walked to Fred's house. He borrowed his ladder. He found it outside by the garage door. He took it over to the backyard next door and leaned it against the house. He picked up the box but realized he wouldn't be able to carry it up so he let the blanket dangle around his neck and tucked the wine bottle under his arm. When he reached the rooftop he sets the bottle down and spreads the blanket on the surface. He climbed back down to grab the glasses. They couldn't have wine without the cups. He was proud of the simple set up he created as a small date. He looked south. He wanted to double check that the view would be perfect for them. He took his phone out and dialed the Whyte Wyrm.

"Hog Eye speaking."

"Hog Eye, great I wanted to check in on the set up. I have everything else under control and I-" FP took a seat and his foot accidentally knocked over the ladder. "Shit."

"What?" Hog Eye asked concerned.

"I knocked over the ladder. Now I'm stuck above the second floor but don't worry about me. I'll call you when you can set them off."


"Great. I'll talk to you later." FP hung up the phone and walked over to the ledge. He carefully looked down and saw the ladder laying on the ground. He mentally slapped himself. He had planned to go down and grab something from inside her house but now he couldn't. He walked around the rooftop. He had to patiently wait for everyone to come back.

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