Custody 3

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"Hurry up, dad. They're waiting for us." Jughead pulled on FP's hand and Charles helped by pushing the man from behind.

"Boys, I need to get your sister." FP told them. He had been trying to buckle her into her car seat so he could carry her to the car.

"I've got two more anyway," Charles rushed him out. "Let's go."

FP stopped right at the door and took the liberty to turn and go grab the baby. "Okay, now we can go," FP announced. His sons already ran out to the car and climbed in. FP put Jellybean in last. He checked if they were all in their seats before driving to the park to meet Alice and her daughters. When they got to the park the boys ran straight to the swings where the girls were. FP looked around for Alice. She was sitting on a picnic blanket under a big shady tree. "Hey," He approached her. "May I sit?"

"Please do," Alice scooted over to make space for him. He set Jellybean down in between them and took a seat. "I brought the kids sandwiches for when they get hungry."

"Well I-" FP searched the bag he brought with him. "-brought us, grown ups, a little something more." FP pulled out a box of chocolate covered strawberries. One of her favorites from their older dates.

"Oh I love these."

"I know," FP smiled and pulled the cap off. He picked one up and took a bite. "Very delicious."

"So..." Alice grabbed a strawberry for herself. "Are we going to keep calling these play dates?"

"Well they can call it that," FP glanced over at their kids running around the jungle gym. "We can call it whatever we want as long as we get to use the time to see each other."

"Something I can agree on," Alice bit into the fruit. Jellybean kicked her arms and legs everywhere. She was happy too. FP laid down and propped his arm behind her so she could sit up. "I see you do too," Alice played with her tiny hand. FP looked at them in awe. This was what he wanted. "Oh you're just so precious." Alice leaned in closer to kiss the baby's cheek. Jellybean leaned her head back in the process and the adults connected lips. They gawked at each other realizing what just happened. It had been a couple years since they last shared a kiss. Jellybean giggled and looked at them both. "What just happened?" Alice asked.

"I don't know but do it again," FP smirked.

"Did you train her to do that?" Alice smacked his arm.

"No but that would have been smart." FP chuckled. "Finally a little fun on these play dates."

"You're not wrong there," Alice shrugged. "I'm a hoot."

"Yes you are," FP didn't deny it. "So what now? Sneak in another before the kids with actual verbal skills swing by?"

"We shouldn't."

"Oh," FP said rather disappointed.

"Hey," Alice stopped him there. "I didn't say we wouldn't."

"Oh," FP said now intrigued. "Well if I may." He leaned in and kissed her. She parted with a smile on her face. The same one on FP's face. "Just as good as back then."

"Well it should be," Alice chuckled. "It's me you're kissing."

"I'll give you that," FP smiled happily. "Only because you're so damn beautiful."

"I know," She smiled proudly. "And you're very handsome yourself."

"That I believe," He laughed. He grabbed her hand and gestured for her to lay down. She did and soon enough Jellybean did too. The baby laid back, over their intertwined hands. This baby knew exactly what she was doing.

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