Safeguard 2

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Alice got a phone call from The Farm a few minutes after FP's departure. "I'm sorry, what?" Alice's eyes widened. "The flower power out of you?" She pinched the arch of her nose. "I'm very sorry, Edgar. I'll talk to him." Alice hung up and went to her car. She drove towards the southside with anticipation to find FP and give him an earful. She stopped before crossing the train tracks. She spotted him sitting on the trunk of his cruiser with a burger in his hand. He was feeling down but Alice didn't know that. Alice pulled up in front of him and stepped out. "Forsythe Pendleton Jo-"

"What are you full naming me for?"

"I will knock the flower power out of you?" She mocked.

"Fucking snitch." FP mumbled to himself.

"How dare you go down to The Farm and insult Edgar," Alice crossed her arms.

"He deserved it," FP jumped of the back of his car. "You don't see it but he's manipulating you. He's gotten into your head. He's brainwashing you, Al. I don't like the guy."

"He's helping me, FP. I'm sorry you don't understand but he's been a true help." Alice glared at him.

"This hippie cult is not helping you." FP crushed his burger. "He's taking advantage of you. He's using your vulnerability to get what he wants. All he wants is damn control over everything in this town! Not caring if he involves innocent children!"

Alice's face softened up. FP's burger dropped and he heavily sighed. "We're not talking about Edgar are we?"

"She's been manipulating me and I've been so stupid for not knowing." FP had so much pain in his eyes. "But my own baby girl?"

"I can't believe she still went on to use her."

"You knew and didn't tell me?" He sounded offended.

"I didn't want you to get hurt," Alice put her hand on his cheek. "You love Jellybean so much and I didn't want to ruin your relationship with her. I warned Gladys to stop but she would never listen to me."

"I was going to surprise Jellybean by getting home early but I overheard her mother on the phone. She's been running a drug business in Toledo and she's been moving it here." FP looked her into her eyes. "It doesn't feel right to get manipulated. I didn't want The Farm to do the same to you. Believe me, they're not helping you. They're just filling your mind up with nonsense. I truly do care about you. I'm here to help you. You don't need them." FP pulled her into a hug. Alice accepted the hug and wrapped her arms around him. "But thank you for trying to protect me," He said into her ear. "I trust you, Al. You'd never hurt me."

"I'd never hurt you, Jonesy." Alice confirmed for him. "And I suppose I can trust you too." FP felt her smile pressed against his cheek. "You wouldn't just track down my health guru for nothing. You might have been looking out for me. Although calling the farmies Dazed and Confused was uncalled for." She saw the sheepish look on his face. "Yeah I heard about that too."

"To be fair I could have done worse," FP chuckled. "I could have told him Hair called looking to cast him for a reboot." FP had a whole list of insults to use. "Or that The Backstreet Boys needed him to pose for their Millennium album."

"Really?" Alice tsked.

"Well I can't go calling people I don't like half melted ten cent trollops. Not unless it suits them," FP got her to crack a smile.

"Well at least I can come up with better insults," Alice scoffed.

"Do it then. Insult your farmie." FP challenged her.

"Easy, he looked like the ghost of Christmas past without the holly, jolly part." Alice shrugged. "He's very sweet though."

"Well dressing like a marshmallow would do the trick." FP quipped. "10/10 would recommend to dip him into their cups of hot coco."

"Are you done?"

"Just one more. You'll love this one." He assured her.

"Just kiss me and shut up," Alice said. FP thought about it for a quick second and would much rather get a kiss than tell his joke. "Much better," She smiled against his lips. "No more threatening farmies, okay?"

"Okay," FP dramatically sighed. "But you have to promise to keep me in your strong arms and protect me."

"You have yourself a deal." She pecked a kiss on his lips once again.

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