We're Okay, Alice

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FP walked into the house exhausted with Charles right behind. Alice got up from the couch the second she saw them. "So? How...how did it go?"

"We're okay, Alice. We're gonna be okay." He assured her. He wasn't surprised to see that she was still up. He knew better than to expect her to be asleep without being home. He looked at their son. "We, uh, Charles and I took care of it."

"Thank you." Alice let out a sigh of relief. She looked towards their son. "Thank you, Charles." She approached him and gave him a well needed hug. He gladly accepted it, clutching onto her tightly.


FP took a long shower. He wasn't just taking the literal dirt off of himself. His mind was plagued with what he had done, again.

He stepped into the bedroom to find Alice sitting up against the headboard. He tossed his dirty uniform into the hamper and walked over to the dresser to find something to sleep in. "Al, why aren't you asleep?" He stepped into sweats and yanked a T-shirt out.

"I'm so sorry for pulling you into this again. Not just that, I-"

FP walked up to the bed. He sat right next to her and wrapped his arms around her. Her head found its way to rest on his bicep. "Alice," FP hushed her. "I wouldn't let anything happen to you." He let one of his hands caress her cheek. "We wouldn't let anything happen to you." He assured her. "You don't have to worry about a single thing. Charles and I are looking into it. It will not lead back to us." The men were going to make sure nothing got traced back to the house, but most importantly to Alice. "So can we get some sleep? It's been a long day for us all." He pulled the blanket over her so she could rest comfortably.

Alice was silent. FP looked down at her. Her eyes were flickering on and off. She wanted to sleep but couldn't find herself to. "I don't know if I can sleep," She quietly confessed.

"Do you want to talk?" He suggested.

"Is this ever going to go away?"

"Yes, baby." He tucked a loose strand of hair behind her ear. "It'll be like nothing ever happened."

"Are you sure? There always seems to be something."

"Alice, we are going to be okay. I know you're worried. So am I, but we have each other so nothing bad will happen. Do you really think I'd let anything happen to my girl?" Alice chuckled. She tilted her head to look at him. He leaned down and pecked a kiss on her lips. "Nothing, Al, nothing will ever happen to you without dealing with me first."

"I believe you," Alice turned to her side. She was still resting against FP. It made her feel loved, not such safe. "I hope Charles is doing alright too."

"Our boy is a smart kid. He'll be alright. He knows what he's doing. Besides, he has us. If he needs anything we'll be there for him."

"I think Betty is finally warming up to him."

"I think so too. I get why she wasn't so accepting of him at first. The whole ordeal with Chic was a huge mess. That and it isn't easy knowing your brother is your boyfriend's brother too."

"Jughead seemed to come around a lot sooner than her."

"He's dealt with so many things. I think having a brother didn't seem all too bad to him."

"How's Jellybean doing with it?" She traced her finger along the tattoo on his chest.

"To her she just has another older brother. She's doing fine." FP said. "Now she has two of my boys protecting her from the world, including from boys."

Alice giggled. "She's growing up."

"I know," FP sighed. "I don't like it."

"I didn't either but look Betty is happy to have found Jughead and I can probably say Polly felt the same about Jason, even though that was unknowingly actual incest."

"Talk about kissing cousins," He laughed. She smacked his chest. "So about those twins of hers, what's up with them?"

"They're at Thistlehouse."

"Don't you think that maybe they should be here? I mean things settled down and we do have the space."

"I've thought about it many times. I just don't think she'll want to hand them over so easily. They're all she has of her brother."

"They are your grandchildren. You have a right to them too," FP pointed out. "Wouldn't you like them running around here? It would be nice, you know, having those little ones to wake up to."

"You think of that?"

"It would be something nice to have. Jughead is only here on the weekends and he mainly spends it with Betty. Charles is usually working and well Polly is currently not here. I don't think two little twins joining us would bug the girls. It's also not like Cheryl wouldn't see them. They would just be raised here."

"I do like the sound of that."

"We can talk about it in the morning," FP yawned. "We need to sleep."

"Yeah," Alice agreed. "Good night, FP."

"Good night, Alice."

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