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Comic Con content says more Falice hookups in season 4 and a Falice kiss finally!

I think they mentioned Kevin is gonna see the kiss and I find it funny cuz I wrote a one shot about him catching them like a little over a year ago.

Alice walked into Pop's unaware that FP was in the diner. He was sitting on one of the stools drinking his coffee. It's been some time since he teamed up with Betty and Charles to locate her. Things were still a little wary between them but she still found the courage to go join him. "This seat taken?"

FP turned at the sound of her voice. "No, go ahead." Alice took a seat. FP put down his mug. " are you doing? Is it nice at the place Charles let you settle in for now?"

"It's small but it's homey. With it being just Betty and I it isn't much trouble."

"He grew up to be a nice fellow."

"I'm proud of him." Alice nodded quietly.

There was silence between the two for a couple of minutes. "It's just me and my daughter too right now," FP spoke up. "Jug got a scholarship to a prep school so he's only ever in town on the weekends."

"Betty mentioned it. That's really good for him. He's a bright boy."

"I'm proud of him. I just miss him being around more."


"Yeah?" FP looked into her eyes, giving her his full attention.


"You can tell me," FP frowned. His head tilted slightly to the side, curious to know what she wanted to say. "Al?"

"It's been hard."

"What has?" FP asked. "Everything with the Farm? Hal?" He slowly brought his hand to hers. He didn't want to overstep but he also knew she needed comfort. His thumb stroked gently across her knuckles. "I promise it's all over. No one is going to hurt you ever again."

Alice shook her head. "No, it's not that." She looked away. FP put his finger on her chin and turned her to look at him. "What's wrong, Alice?" Her face softened. She has been through so much that she always kept her guard up. Yet there was something about FP where she knew she could always talk to him. "When I was at the Farm all I had keeping me grounded was thinking about you, us. You were all I had. Until I didn't." Alice noticed his eyes get glossy. "I didn't get the chance to tell you about Charles. I knew you'd be so proud of him but I just had to wait until I could tell you all about him."

"Al, I made a mistake. I thought it was the right thing to do but everything just got worse. At the time I thought about how the kids had to come before me."

"No, I understood that. I know as a parent my kids' feelings come first."

"I want you to know something I should have told you a long time ago."


He cupped her face carefully in his hands. He waited for their eyes to meet. "I don't just love you, Alice. I'm in love with you."

She pursed her lips together, attempting to stop herself from crying. Her eyes trailed down to his lips. He watched them look down and slowly leaned in to kiss her.

Right outside the diner Kevin was walking up to the door. He had trouble getting his father's truck to start but luckily for him he had first period off. He figured he would pick up a quick breakfast and eat it at school since he didn't get the chance to eat at home. He stopped when he saw what was going on inside. He took a closer look through the glass. He just saw the sheriff locking lips with the news reporter but more importantly to him he just saw Jughead's dad locking lips with Betty's mom. "Huh, isn't that one steamy plot twist." Kevin turned around and made his way back to the truck. He figured it was better to not go inside.

Much to their avail, FP and Alice rekindled an old flame over the next few weeks. Alice would meet him in the house after he dropped Jellybean off at school or snuck in some time to see him at the station. FP put in effort to go to her too. He met her wherever she was working when he knew they was near each other. They were finally happy. Although they were figuring out things between themselves they were having a great time genuinely loving each other.

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