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Alice and Betty were in line ready to pay for a dress they both loved on Betty. They walked up to the cashier and placed it on the counter. Alice's phone rang and she expected it to be FP but it wasn't. "It's your sister. I'll wait outside." Betty stayed inside to finish paying while Alice stepped out to take the call. "Hi Polly. Is the drive going alright?"

"Yeah I just called to say I made it earlier than expected but it just looks like no one is home."

"FP was home with the baby. He must of gone with Jughead." Alice said. "Betty and I will be home in a few minutes. She's just inside paying."

"I guess I could go to- wait never mind I see him coming. I'll just go in and wait for you two to get back."

"Alright honey. I'll see you and my grand babies soon."

Betty pushed the entrance door open and tucked the receipt into the bag. She saw Alice and they walked to the truck. "Polly is early. She's at the house right now."

"Good thing we found the dress on time," Betty chuckles and buckles in. "I told you we had to hurry before she came."

"I know. I know. I just didn't want to leave my baby boy." She pouts.

"I'm sure Peewee is fine. Mr. Jones has two other kids, remember? They turned out just fine."

"Where did you say Jughead had to go?"

"To the bus station to pick up his sister."

"Woah the house is going to be full of kids." Alice joked. The house already had three kids: Betty, Jughead, and Peewee. Her other daughter came home to visit with her own two children and now FP's daughter arrived. "Now I know what the Tanner house must of been like."

Alice and Betty arrived at the house a few minutes later. Alice parked behind her car. "What do you think is going on inside?" Betty asked looking over at their house.

"Let's just hope FP isn't having a mental breakdown." Alice laughed but did genuinely hope he was doing fine.

"It's only been a few minutes."

"Yes but with two teenagers, an almost eleven year old, and three kids under the age of two."

"You may have a point."

Alice locked the truck and the two walked up to the door. Betty was holding the shopping bag in her hand. Alice knocked on the door. Behind that door was FP trying to make his way to it. Jellybean was behind him whining about Jughead. "Dad tell him to leave me alone! He keeps following me around doing that stupid monkey walk."

"Jug leave your sister alone." FP struggled to get to the door. He kept hearing the knocking. He was very close though. He was getting there slowly considering he had one years olds latched onto both his legs and his youngest child in his arm. He opened the door and hoped it was Alice.

"Dad," Jellybean yanked on the back of his shirt. Alice saw the chaos following FP around.

"Dagwood! Juniper! I told you to stop doing that to him," Polly was behind him trying to pull her kids off FP.

"Thank god you're back," FP handed her Peewee. Alice laughed and took the baby from him. Betty grabbed Juniper so Polly could get Dagwood.

"So what did I miss?" Alice watched as Jellybean proceeded to run around the house with Jughead following her.

"I didn't really think about all our kids being here, in this house, all at once."

"There's always something new to experience." Alice gave him a kiss because she felt he deserved one and because she loved him.

Jellybean stops running and looks over at the adults. "So this must be your girlfriend," She walked up to them. She stood in between them and looked at Alice. "You're smart for not letting him pick the name."

"Hey I'm right here," FP says mimicking an offended look.

"I know," Jellybean laughed and tried to run away but he caught her and lifted her up. He showered with kisses. She continued to giggle.

"I've always been the smart one out of us two," Alice teased.

"That's not true," FP gapes.

"Yes it is," The teenagers and Jellybean all said with Alice.

Jellybean looked at the twins and wondered who they were too. "Who are they?" She pointed at the toddlers.

"They're my grandchildren," Alice says walking out of the foyer with FP.

"And who are you?" Jellybean asks Betty.

"This is my girlfriend, Betty." Jughead introduces her to his sister.

"Ah girlfriend number two."

"What?" Betty asks confused by what she meant. Jughead was just as confused.

"Girlfriend one," Jellybean pointed at Alice. Jughead now understood what she meant. She was referring to the conversation in the car they had. "The two girlfriends that are friends."

"She asked us when she'd meet our girlfriends when we picked her up," Jughead clarified. Betty nods now understanding after the small explanation.

"So who is she?" Jellybean pointed at Polly.

"That's my daughter," Alice answers for her. "Polly, Betty's sister."

Jellybean looks at Jughead with a weird look. "What?" Jughead asked. Jellybean looked back at her dad and Alice then back at Jughead. "You're dating dad's girlfriend's daughter?"

"I know it sounds weird, especially with Peewee now, but hey welcome back to Riverdale. You'll learn that it's fine when you're in high school sitting in biology class."

"That's one way to put it," FP chuckles.

"This is one big, weird family." Jellybean says.

"Yes it is." They all agree with laughter. It was best not to question it.

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