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Skeet posted behind the scenes of Mädchen and Lili in pajamas and Wyatt posted himself in his suit so they could be filming a scene together.


Charles knocked on the front door early in the morning. He had stopped by the diner to get some coffee for him and his folks. Alice woke up to the sound of the knocking downstairs. She felt warm with FP's arms wrapped around her. She glanced back at him. He was still sound asleep. She attempted to get out of bed without waking him up. He stirred in his sleep. He fluttered his eyes open. "Come back to bed," He groggily said. Alice tied her robe on over her pajamas. "Sounds like we have company." FP groaned. He was peaceful in bed with her. Alice chuckled. "Get up, dingus."

FP slipped out of the covers and followed her out the room. They walked down the hall to the stairs. They could hear Betty talking to their guest. "Normally I'd tell any one here too early to go away but you brought breakfast."

"Ah, my baby boy." Alice lit up at his sight. "Good morning, honey."

"Good morning. I brought coffee," He rose the tray up in the air.

"Good morning, Charlie." FP also smiled at him. "You caught us off guard."

"I can tell," Charles laughed. He looked at his disheveled hair. FP noticed and flattened down his hair. "You may come in here looking sharp and laughing but in our defense we weren't expecting company this early." FP reached for his coffee. He put a hand on Alice's shoulder. "I'm gonna go wake up Jellybean." He jogged up the stairs to do so.

"What brings you here?" Alice asked, not that she didn't want him here. She gave him a welcoming hug.

"I just wanted to stop by unexpectedly. I have a tendency to do that." He cheekily smiled. Alice pinched his cheek. "It's fun that way." Betty could see how happy Alice was. She missed seeing her smile like that.

FP came down the stairs giving Jellybean a piggyback ride. She was sleepy but she wanted breakfast. "You're just like Jughead, Jellybelly."

"I'm too cool to be that doofus," Jellybean mumbled. He looked over at Charles. "Now he, I can't be as cool as."

"You sure?" Charles questioned. "I spoke to that Archie guy next door and he told me about that slingshot story."

"What's he talking about?" FP put her down.

"I knocked out Penny Peabody with a rock to save Archie."

"As sheriff I'm going to pretend I didn't hear that but as your dad, that's my girl," FP chuckled. He gave her a high five. She proudly smiled and went to the kitchen.

"Maybe she's not as little as you like to think," Alice told FP.

"She's a Jones. She gets the badass from me."

"You?" She teased.

"I led a whole gang for years. I deserve a little credit."

"And they just let you be sheriff?" Charles looked at him oddly. "I did read your file."

"Honestly Riverdale is Riverdale," FP shrugged. "It's not the weirdest thing to happen here."

"Oh I know," Charles could vouch for that. "Need I remind you I followed an organ harvesting cult to this town?"

"Gee, one tries to warn everybody in this town but she just get ignored." Betty said.

"I'm just thankful it brought me my little baby." Alice spoke highly of Charles. FP cleared his throat. "Brought us our little baby." She corrected herself, much to his delight.

"It's good to be here," Charles smiled.

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