Worry 2

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Alice locked herself in the bedroom. Unfortunately for FP, he couldn't get inside. He needed to get changed for work. "Alice," He knocked on the door and impatiently waited for her to open up. Alice opened the door and shoved his work clothes into his arms. "There," She huffed before putting the lock on the door again. FP looked down at his arms. He was still missing his hat. He knocked on the door again.

"Here's your stupid hat," She tossed it at him.

"No need to throw it at me too." FP walked to the bathroom to change into his uniform. He left his other clothes by the bedroom door. He was already running late and didn't have the time to argue with her about going in to drop it off in the hamper.

"Still in the dog house?" Jughead passed by on the way to his room. FP pointed a stern finger at him and opened his mouth to say something but he didn't. He rolled his eyes and walked down the stairs to grab his shoes from the closet in the hallway. He opened the door and saw that all the laces were tied together. "Alice!" FP was frustrated.

"Tough luck loverboy!" Alice yelled from the room. She knew he finally found her gift to him.

"You two are something else." Jughead could never figure out the dynamic of their relationship. FP grabbed a pair of shoes with a huff and stormed off to his truck. He kept cursing under his breath as he walked out.


Jughead came running into the diner. He was out of breath. "Dad!" He yelled with urgency. FP came out of the kitchen with a tray. Jughead rushed over to him. FP could see the fear on his face. "What's wrong?" FP sets the tray on the counter.

"You have to come with me." He yanked on his arm. "It's an emergency."

"What's going on?" FP wanted to know what happened. "Is it the girls?" He sure hoped it wasn't.

"It's Alice. We need your help."

FP's heart dropped. He felt like he couldn't breathe. Something happened to his girlfriend. "What happened to her?" He asked.

"A couple of Ghoulies must have raided The Register. The place is a wreck. We have to go find her. Betty thinks they took her because she couldn't find her anywhere."

"Pop I have to go," FP took his apron off and left it on the counter. Pop wasn't hesitant to let him go. He had someone else cover for him.

FP climbed into his truck and sped to the southside. He checked The House of the Dead first. He knew that that was the Ghoulies' hide out. Jughead trailed far behind on his motorcycle. FP tried to break down the door. He pushed his shoulder in many times. He was panicking. He couldn't get it to break. Jughead arrived and FP told him to help him. The two were able to get in and FP sprinted down the stairs. He was ready to pounce on any Ghoulie in his way. "The place is empty, dad." Jughead noticed how he wasn't responsive. He snapped him out of his trance. "Dad!"

FP stared at the wall. He wagged his finger at him as he thought out loud. "You go to Betty. Stay with her. I'm going to go look around for Alice." He brushed past him.

"Where are you going?"

FP drove to The Register to try to figure out where they all could have gone. He walked in through the shattered window frame. He looked around for clues. Her car was still parked right outside so she couldn't have driven away herself. That's what he was thinking. He found a spatter of blood on a few papers. FP was terrified for her. How could they dare hurt his Alice? He was very tempted to punch a wall or throw something out of anger but he was putting all of his energy into finding her.

He got back in his truck and hit the steering wheel. He just wanted her with him. He lifted his head up and saw movement in the distance outside his window. He rolled it down and tried to get a good sight at what it was it. He let out a sigh of relief when he saw that it was Alice. She looked terrified. FP ran over to her. Alice was startled until she was able to see that it was FP. He wrapped his arms around her tightly. He wasn't going to let go any time soon. Alice felt safe and sound in his arms. "I'm so glad you're okay," FP cupped her face and kissed her. "My heart would have given out." He examined her for any wounds. It looked like she patched her arm up already. "You can tie my shoes all you want. You can lock me out the room for all I care. Just never leave my side." FP hugged her again. "I love you too much."

"I'm okay," Alice assured him. "Hiram must have sent them after I refused to be censored." She calmed down with FP here. She knew he wouldn't let anything happen to her.

"Let's go home. I'll run you a nice warm bath and make you some tea." FP insisted. "I want you to relax tonight, baby. Everything is going to be okay now. No more Ghoulies." He rubbed her back. He knew it always made her feel better. "How does that sound?"

"Better," Alice said. FP walked her to the truck. He smiled and grabbed her hand. He left a kiss on it and held it all the way back home.

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