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Jughead walked into the kitchen and passed by his sister. He stole one of her slices of bacon. "Hey," She glared at him.

Alice came by to bring him a plate of breakfast. She took a slice of bacon from his plate and gave it to Jellybean. "Is your father not up yet?"

"No," Jughead grabbed a fork. "Betts, can you pass me the orange juice?"

"That man is going to be late for work," Alice sighed. She began to walk up the stairs.

"Can I have his breakfast?" Jughead munched on bacon.

"Get up, Forsythe." Alice yanked the covers off of him.

"Not now, Alice. Yell at me tomorrow all you want." He grumbled. He snuck his head into the pillows. "I feel terrible."

Alice placed a hand on his forehead. "You're hot."

"Thanks but a compliment isn't going to make me feel better."

"FP, you have a fever." Alice slicked his hair back. She sat down next to him and caressed his cheek gently. "You're burning up, baby."

"I can't get up," He mumbled into the pillows. "My head starts spinning."

"That's it. We're not going to work today."

FP lifted his head up a little. "We?"

"Yes, we, you're not staying here sick and all alone." Alice walked into the bathroom in the bedroom. "I'm going to take good care of you." She grabbed a small towel and wet it. She brought it back to FP and placed it over his forehead. "This will cool you down."

FP smiled. "No one ever did this for me." He adored how nurturing she was. His ex wife never took the time to nurse him back to health and his parents never were around enough.

"Well I love you," Alice made him more comfortable. She kissed his cheek. "And I don't like seeing you so ill." She got up once he was settled. "I'll bring you something to fill you up and definitely have you drink lots and lots of fluids."

"Thank you, Al." He couldn't help but adore her very much. "The station already knows to not expect me today. I was feeling off yesterday so I took today off."

"I'll call the office and tell them I'm out too." Alice threw a kiss his way and exited. She walked into the kitchen and popped bread into the toaster. FP was going to need something lighter than pancakes.

"Where's my dad?" Jughead dumped his empty plate into the sink.

"He's got a high fever and I'm going to take good care of him today."

"You are?" He was shocked.

"Of course, why wouldn't I?"

"Can I go see him before I leave?" Jellybean asked sweetly.

"Yes, just be cautious." Alice could already see her running up the stairs. "Walk, JB."

"I'll pop in too," Jughead said.

Alice turned to see Betty cheekily smiling at her. "What?" Betty shrugged as it were nothing. "What is it?"

"You kinda like that he's sick."

"What? No, that would be terrible."

"You're pouring him warm milk and I know for a fact you're going to draw a little happy face on his toast with the butter."

"He deserves a little joy to make him feel better."

"You didn't do that for dad when he was sick."

"Yeah well he didn't have a cute rosy face and laid in bed so soundly."

"Huh, so that's what it looks like."

"That's what what looks like?"

"The man in charge of the town getting taken care of by a mother of three." Betty teased. "You're so going to baby him today."

"Oh shut it and get those two on their way to school," Alice grabbed the toast, buttering it for FP.

"Is that a happy face?"

"Out you go," Alice shooed her away. "Out, out, out." Betty just giggled. She waited outside for Jughead and Jellybean. Alice went up with a plate and glass of milk in hand. "Okay, kids, Betty is waiting for you outside."

"Bye, daddy." Jellybean pecked a kiss on his cheek. "Hope you feel better. I know she'll take good care of you."

"Thank you, sweetheart."

"Bye, dad." Jughead waved. "Beware, he can get grumpy when he's sick." He whispered to Alice on his way out.

"I brought you toast and milk," Alice put it on the nightstand.

FP opened his arms. "Come cuddle with me." He proposed instead.

"You need to eat," Alice put a hand on her hip. "You're going to be even more lightheaded if you don't."

"Please," He pouted.

"Oh, alright." She climbed into bed with him. He snaked his arms around her. She stroked her thumb against his forehead. "Did you cool down a bit?"

"Mhmm," He slowly started drifting back to sleep.

"Are you sleepy?"

"No," He yawned. He moved the towel and tossed it aside. He pressed his forehead against hers, noses not far from kissing each other. "I'm wide awake."

"You sound drowsy," Alice gently whispered before pecking a kiss on his lips. She was letting him rest. She didn't mind staying in bed with him all day. "Rest up, Jonesy." She could see that he already dozed off. She let her arms find their way around him, holding him close.

"I love you too, Al." He said in his sleep. She smiled and snuggled up closer.

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