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FP walked into the bedroom with a frown on his face. Alice turned around to see him looking glum. She wrapped her arms around him. "Why the long face?"

"Jug just called. The weather is pretty bad up there so he and the girls won't be able to come home for dinner later. It's not safe, the streets are closed."

"Oh," Alice felt disappointed hearing the news too. Their kids wouldn't be celebrating Thanksgiving with them. "And Charles already said he couldn't join us because of a case." She sighed. She pinned her head against his chest. "But it's better that they're safe over there than fighting the weather to get here."

"At least we have each other, right?"

"I guess so but it's just not the same without the kids." Alice looked up at him, chin digging into his shirt. "I don't want to get started on a turkey if we're not all going to eat it."

"Maybe a trip to the diner will cheer us up?" He proposed. He pressed his forehead down on hers. "Just the two of us. We can share a milkshake." A smile tugged on his face.

"You don't like the vanilla one." A smile also creeped on her face.

"So? If you want vanilla we'll get vanilla."

"But you won't like it," She pouted.

"I have something better I like," He sappily said, letting their noses kiss.


"Mhmm," He confirmed.


It was raining as they drove to Pop's. Nothing extreme though so they weren't concerned. FP held his jacket over Alice's head as they quickly went in. She had grabbed his hand and led him to a booth. He hung his jacket on the edge and slid in beside her.

"I think the storm is making its way here."

FP looked out the window. "We might have to stay here if it gets really bad out there." He stated the obvious. "Which doesn't sound too bad. I know my way around the kitchen here if it comes to that."

"I've tasted your cooking, honey. It's not spectacular."

"Now you're just lying." He poked her side.

"Fred working here that one summer in high school now that was spectacular. You can't argue with that."

"You have a point there," He smiled. "He would give me extra fries with my burger whenever I came in. It was nice." He looked around. The place still looked the same. The Tates kept the diner a social gem throughout the years. "It looks like we're the only ones here besides Pop."

"That's because everyone is spending Thanksgiving at home with their families." She frowned.

"Hey, don't think about that." He didn't like seeing her sad. He pulled her into a hug. He pecked a kiss on her temple. "We've got each other and the kids are safe and sound. That's all that matters."

Alice rested her head on his shoulder. "We should send Pop home. The place is empty anyway and I'm sure he would much rather spend today with his wife than with us."

"Are you sure? We're a hoot." He chuckled.

Pop came to their booth ready to take their order. "Welcome," He warmly smiled. "It's nice to see two familiar faces."

"Nice to see you too, Pop." FP said on their behalf.

"It's definitely a pleasure to be here." Alice added.

"Are the children going to join?"

"No. Unfortunately they're stuck out of town because of the weather," FP explained. "So here we are at the one place in town that's always open. With that being said why are you here, Pop? Wouldn't you want to be home with your girl?"

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