First Steps

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FP was in the living room sitting on the floor against the couch. Jughead was on the couch typing on his laptop. Alice was in the kitchen helping Betty make a dish for her home ec class. FP had Peewee in his lap while he watched tv. The boy was crying from the itching in his mouth. FP let him bite on his finger but knew it wouldn't be enough. "Alice, can you pass me the teething ring in the freezer? It's bugging him again."

"Sure, hold on a sec!" Alice yells from the kitchen. "Make sure to cover it in the garlic."

"Yep, right after this." Betty nods. Alice opened the freezer and grabbed the teething ring. She went into the living room to hand it over to FP.

"Thanks," FP pecked a kiss on her cheek and she was off to the kitchen. FP gave it to Peewee and he was quick to bite on it. The cool feel numbed the pain. "Much better, bud?"

"How would you feel if you had sharp teeth ripping through your gums and the only thing you can feel is the agony that comes from the idea that is involuntarily needing to grow up?" Jughead asked.

"Geez Jug, he can barely stand up." FP looked at him with a weird look on his face. "I think you need to put the books down and watch tv."

"I'm just saying," Jughead shrugged it off.

"Betty!" FP yelled out.


"Can you make sure he watches cartoons or something? Whenever he increases his vocabulary he turns into this dark version of himself."

"I'll try," Betty laughed. "But no promises."

"You told my girlfriend on me?"

"Yeah, so?"

"Two can play that game," Jughead smirked.

"What do you-"

"Hey Ms. S!" Jughead didn't let him finish his question.

"Yes Jughead?" She asks from the kitchen.

"Do you remember when you asked who broke the vase on the dining table?"

"Jug," FP whisper yells at him.

"Yes I do. No one knew apparently," Alice came out and crossed her arms assuming what this was leading to. "Did someone finally remember?"

"You should ask my dad," Jughead laughed.

"FP," She looked directly at him.

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