Wicked Game

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I'd never dreamed that I'd meet somebody like you
And I'd never dreamed that I'd lose somebody like you
What a wicked game you played to make me feel this way
What a wicked thing to do to let me dream of you


Alice woke up in bed with arms wrapped around her. She looked over and saw FP was the one holding her. It made her feel safe. It made her happy. His biceps usually wrapped perfectly around her, holding her close. When she was pressed against him she caught a whiff of that particular scent she loved. He smelled like the Calvin Klein cologne he kept on his nightstand. It never left his body. It grew to be a part of him and she loved it. It never grew old. He also had a chiseled face that fit perfectly in her hands when she held it. His jaw would align with her fingers and his beard would run in between them. She loved his beard. It was a perfect touch for him.

She caresses his cheek hoping it would wake him up. She moved her hand up higher. She ran her fingers through his disheveled hair. She started to feel him move. She kissed his arm and he held her closer. "Good morning," He said with a hint of grogginess in his voice. He smiled and kissed the top of her head. She turned to face him but he didn't stop holding her. She traced her finger all around his chest.

"I'm going to go downstairs and make us breakfast," Alice was getting hungry. She looked at him like he was the only man in the world. Her eyes were glued to his. She moved off the bed and made her way to the staircase.


FP sat in his kitchen with his morning paper and drinking his cup of coffee. He ran a hand through his hair to tame it. He looked up from the newspaper and saw a beautiful lady, his beautiful lady, standing in the hall. She stood there in one of his old shirts that reached down to her thighs. He believed it looked perfect on her. Her hair dangled down past her shoulders. He loved seeing it relaxed. He also always adored her eyes. They always remind him of the countless days he spends staring into those sapphire eyes. Then those damn lips. They were so kissable. He always wanted to pull her close and shower her in kisses. He loved how gorgeous she looked in the morning without even trying.

"Good morning," Alice had a sweet voice. There was not a day FP could go without thinking he was on cloud nine. She pranced over to him and stood in front of him. FP put the newspaper on the table and Alice sat on his lap, wrapping her arms around his neck. She dug her head into the crook of his neck. She pressed kisses all around his neck.

"I've got to get ready for work baby," FP needed to go but he didn't want to. He wanted to stay right there with her. He wanted to forget about the world and only be with her but he needed to catch his shift. He slipped out of the chair and walked back to the bedroom.


Then there was a realization that pried itself into their fantasies. Reality struck both of them harshly. They were not happy. They were not satisfied. They needed each other but they didn't have each other. Once so close and now only so far. The train tracks bring the metaphorical border between them to life. The line that divides them.

The man is stuck on the southside while the woman is faking it on the northside. On the north Alice sat in her living room alone. She saw the man she loved everywhere. He made her happy but he wasn't truly there. She needed him. On the south FP stood in front of the mirror dressing himself for work. He saw Alice in the mirror with him but when he looks away she is gone. His happiness is gone. He needed her too.

They believed they could find someone to mend their broken hearts from their pain but no one could replace the other. Their marriages were for a feeling of security not the love they wanted. The love they once had. Alice married a man by following her head, not her heart. She wanted a future FP couldn't give her but this future is not what she expected. She didn't want this anymore. She wanted FP not Hal. FP married a woman he thought could make him feel loved but he screwed it up by picking up those beer bottles. She was not Alice and he could never forget that.

Alice sat in her living room thinking about what could have been. What she and FP would have been. There was no doubt in her mind that she couldn't stop thinking about him but was he thinking about her too? FP climbed into his truck and took a few minutes to sit there and think about her. Why did he let her go? Why did he not fight for her? Was she happy?

FP drove to the diner not wanting to be late to work. When he got there he walked into the back and put on his apron. Once again he had to get through the day working with Alice's face framed in his brain. It was becoming a daily routine to wake up, go to work, go home, and go to sleep without thinking of Alice all day. Alice worked up the idea of going to the diner to go see him. She knows he will be there. She couldn't stop thinking about him, especially recently. She drove herself to Pop's hoping to see a certain worker. There he was wiping the counter. She opened the door and the bell rang announcing her presence. FP looked up and saw her. She was really there this time and so was he.

Alice walked over to the counter and took a seat on a stool. "Good morning." They both said simultaneously. They let out a small laugh. It felt nice to laugh again. It felt better to see each other again.

"What can I getcha?" FP smiled.

"Coffee would be nice."

"Coming right up." FP walked into the kitchen looking for the coffee and a mug. He missed her and eventhough she was coming in as a customer he hoped one day it would be her coming to see him. He was oblivious to the real reason she was there. Alice hoped he wasn't just being nice because she was a customer. She wanted him to be happy to see her. It was easy to say she was oblivious to his generosity too. FP came back and kept her company. They were having a great, casual conversation. It was running smooth. Maybe they'll realize they still love each other at some point but right now they were happy to see each other outside of a fantasy in their heads.

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