College Applications

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"Mom!" Betty walked into her house looking upset. FP was in the living room relaxing when he heard the front door open. He sat up and saw Betty looking at him.

"Your mom's not here right now. She'll be back in a few minutes."

"Oh," Betty said.

"If you don't mind me asking, why are you upset? It wasn't Jughead was it? My boy isn't too old for my belt."

"No," Betty let out a small chuckle.

"I'm not your mom but would you like to talk to me?" FP offered to listen to her. He was happy to since she has grown to be very important to him too.

"Well I have to start my college application process and I don't know what to do. Can you help me?"

"I can try," FP pointed to the table so they could take a look at what she was dealing with. Betty took out a sheet with personal insight questions. She had to choose a few to answer and she wasn't sure which to pick or what to answer.

"Did you get these too?" Betty passed the paper over so he could take a look.

"Well I wasn't quite the brainiac like you and my boy," FP said admitting he didn't go to college. "I didn't know what to do with my life so I ended up enlisting in the army."

"That's still pretty cool," Betty assured him his choice was nothing to be ashamed about. "You ended up just fine."

"Yeah a soda jerker slash busboy at a diner," FP made fun of himself for not pushing himself harder when he was younger. He made sure not to make that mistake with Jughead. He's happy to know his son will have a bright future.

"We're all still proud of you. Maybe you don't rule the world but you are happy, aren't you?"

"You sound just like your mother," FP appreciated that about her. He was happy with his life. He found his way back to the love of his life and found happiness after cleaning up his act.

"She was always right."

"She definitely taught you that." He laughed. He took a look at the questions on the paper while Betty went to go get her laptop. She opened up a google doc ready to start typing.

"How about starting with this question? What would you say is your greatest talent or skill? How have you developed and demonstrated that talent over time?" FP read the full question. "You're a good writer. You could write about the Blue and Gold or something like that."

"Not as good as Jug. Is there another question I can start with?"

"Okay maybe you're not ready for that question. How about this one?" FP pointed at another question. "Think about an academic subject that inspires you. Describe how you have furthered this interest inside and/or outside of the classroom."

"Yes. I took that summer internship. I could write about that."

"You got it," FP says proudly, encouraging her to start typing.

Alice came into the house with a couple of groceries. She walked into the kitchen and put the bags on the corner. "Hello," She kissed FP and asked what they are doing.

"Just helping Betty start these college stuff. Need any help with the bags?"

"No, I ran into Jughead outside. He's bringing the rest in."

"Where do you want these Ms. S?" Jughead came in struggling with four, big, full bags. He did not want to make a second trip to the car.

"The kitchen dear," Alice pointed. She took a seat next to FP and thought it was cute how he was helping Betty. He started to act like a father figure for her in this dysfunctional family of theirs.

"I think I was helpful. We were figuring it all out, for the first time, together."

"He was helpful mom," Betty assured them he was doing just fine. "Don't talk down on yourself Mr. Jones."

"Are you starting already?" Jughead came into the room. He took a seat next to Betty and looked at the screen.

"The earlier the better."

"That's my girl," Alice knows she gets that from her.

"Maybe you should get started too." FP handed him the piece of paper with the questions.

"Can't I at least eat first?" Jughead whined.

"He's just like you were when you were his age." Alice laughed squishing his face.

"Except my boy could get into an ivy league without a doubt."

"You think so?" Jughead was very humble with his intelligence.

"Oh I know so. You too Betty."

"Thanks Mr. Jones."

"Come on Forsythe. Help me put the groceries away while the kids work on those questions." Alice walked into the kitchen dragging FP along. She pulled him into a kiss right away.

"What was that for?" FP smiled.

"For being great with Betty. Times like these she needs a father figure around to help her with these things considering Hal is an idiot who we shall no speak of."

"Well I've seen you be so great with Jughead. I'm pretty sure he sees you like a mother figure. After Gladys left he lost that motherly love he wanted."

"Well this is one weird family," Alice laughs. "But I'm glad we have it."

"Me too babe," FP kisses her lips again. "Me too."

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