The One at the Lake House

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Inspired by the Friends episode "The One at the Beach"

Alice, FP, and Fred were in the student lounge during their free period. Alice was sitting on a chair reading a book. Her feet were resting up on the coffee table. She was guilty of glancing over at FP who was buying something from the vending machine. Fred was on the couch playing the guitar. He caught Alice looking at FP but didn't say anything. The pair broke up in the summer and the four strayed away from bringing it up.

"Dammit," FP hit the vending machine. He shook it trying to get his chips out. His Doritos got stuck on the last loop.

"You're going to break it," Fred says.

"It swallowed my dollar." FP ferociously kept shaking the machine.

"Hey snake boy listen up. I've got good news," Hermione walked into the room. She took a seat beside Fred on the love seat. "How does going to my lake house this weekend sound? I've got the keys and I'd really hope I wouldn't have to go alone. It's already bad enough I have to go visit some relatives upstate."

"Sounds great. We could all use a break from school." Fred sounds excited to go.

"It's only been half a week," Alice closes her book. She put it on the table and looked over at Fred and Hermione.

"Longest two and a half days of my life." FP finally got the chips out. He ripped the bag open and a few fell out onto the floor. He sighed since it took him so long to get them.

"I'm not saying we all shouldn't go."

"I could use the trip. I'm in," FP confirmed his participation in the getaway.

"Me too," Fred said after him.

"Me three," Alice joined in.

"Well then it's official," Hermione smiled.


The core four arrived at Shadow Lake late Friday night. Hermione's butler drove the friends over to the lake house to her request. He helped her out the car. He also helped Alice out but the boys went out the other side.

"Thank you Smithers. Don't worry about the bags. Fred's got it." Hermione walked Alice into the house. FP was right behind them. Smithers piled all the bags on Fred. He walked to the house with his head popping out to the side since the bags were blocking his view.

"This place is beautiful," Alice commented on the scenery outside the windows. The interior of the house was just as amazing.

"It'd be nicer with some help," Fred exhaled loudly as he brought the luggage in. FP went over to him and took two bags off him.

"There are three rooms. Fred and I call dibs on the master bedroom." Hermione said pulling him up the stairs. Fred brought their bags along so they could mark their spot. That left FP and Alice behind.

"I guess I'll be claiming my room," Alice said grabbing her bag from him. Their hands touched when he passed her her bag.

"Better be quick before I get the second best room," FP began running up the stairs and Alice was not far behind. Once all rooms were accounted for the four found their way back down to the living room. FP was sprawled on the couch staring at the fire Fred was making in the fireplace. Hermione was in the kitchen making hot chocolate for them all.

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