Grandma 2

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Alice's mother yanked on FP's ear as she dragged him out of the room. "Ah, you can let go now." FP begs. She had a strong grip. He forgot what it felt like to be yanked by the ear.

"You need to get out of bed the first time I tell you." She keeps leading him downstairs. He was only in his boxers and an old t-shirt.

"Alice lets me sleep in on Saturdays."

"I'm Alice's mother. I can overturn that."

"No she said her house her rules," He huffed.

"Don't you live here too?"

"Yes," FP said. He and Jughead moved in months ago. She let go of his ear and he rubbed it. Jughead was sitting at the dining table watching Betty's grandmother drag FP in. "Good morning," He chuckled. "I didn't think you could actually get him up."

"I always did that to him when he would take long naps in our house when he should be outside getting fresh air."

"In my defense I was outside." FP grabbed a bowl from the cupboards. "I still wasn't allowed inside after the incident."

"What incident?" Jughead asked.

"Where's the milk?" FP asked dodging his question. He opened the refrigerator.

"I think it's safe to assume what we're talking about," Alice's mother smirked. Jughead caught on. He was weirded out but did laugh.

"Mom can you stop torturing FP?" Alice walked into the house with the mail.

"I'm just having a little fun."

"Good morning Al," FP kissed her and walked to the table to take a seat.

"Did you yank him from the ear again?"

"Sure did." Alice's mother sipped her coffee from her mug. "I would have done the same to mini FP over there but he got up at the first call."

"Thank God I did," Jughead looked at FP with a mirthful smile. FP rolled his eyes and took a bite out of his cereal.

"Can you tell her that you let me sleep in on Saturdays?"

"That's true mom." Alice sets the mail on the counter. "It's the one thing I let him do."

"I wouldn't say that," FP mumbled under his breath.

"Well he has to make an exception today. Betty will be back with a surprise I asked her to go pick up."

"A surprise?" FP was intrigued.

"A good surprise or a bad surprise?" Alice questioned.

"Hard to say. Both?"

As if on cue Betty walked in with a photo album. "I'm back," Betty announced.

"Perfect," Her grandmother took it from her and took a seat at the seat with everyone else. "This is the surprise. I had a couple of pictures developed for you two." She opened the album and placed it on the table. Everyone gathered around to see. "Oh and don't think I forgot about those crazy stories I'm dying to repeat." She pointed at a picture of FP sitting on the front porch with Alice cleaning up his bloody nose. "Any wild guesses on what happened before this picture was taken?" She asked the teenagers. They didn't know so they shrugged their shoulders. "Here we have the time these two thought it was a good idea to get on a Harley."

"It was cool," FP said. "Worth the bloody nose."

"What happened?" Jughead asked.

"This doofus turned around to kiss me but didn't think about his foot over the gas pedal. He let the motorcycle run and he ran into the neighbor's trash can." Alice laughed.

"Smooth dad, smooth." Jughead said sarcastically.

"But the story behind this picture is even better." Alice's mother pointed at a picture of Alice in torn up clothes. She was glaring at the camera but there was a young boy in the background dying of laughter even though he was in the same state as her.

"This looks a lot more interesting," Betty looked over at her mother.

"Do you want to tell the story or shall I?" Alice's mother asked. She wanted to tell it but kindly offered for one of them to do it. "I'm going to tell it." She ultimately decided. She pointed at the hole on Alice's jeans and the mud on her face. "This is why you don't sneak out at night." She then pointed at FP in the picture. He had mud all over him but the widest smile on his face. "And this is why you don't take shortcuts through empty fields."

"Can someone elaborate on that?" Betty asked on behalf of her and Jughead.

"Alice thought it would be a brilliant idea to sneak out after curfew to go to a rave in Greendale. Of course FP tagged along and insisted he knew a faster and shorter way to the party-"

"I did," FP interrupted her. "It's not my fault he had guard dogs."

Alice's mother cleared her throat. "As I was saying, I got a call from Junkyard Steve telling me about two familiar teenagers climbing onto the roof of his house trying to run away from a pack of German Sherpards chasing after them. It was when Alice slipped and FP tried to grab her that they both fell off into the puddle of mud that broke their fall." Betty and Jughead bursted out into laughter. Their parents were wild compared to them. "That's not all. Before Junkyard Steve cornered them to bring them home they had gotten their clothes stuck onto the fences they tried to jump. They only managed to get clumps of their clothes ripped off their bodies."

"No wonder you didn't want to come with me to check out a car he was trying to sell to me," Jughead tells his father.

"I don't want you two to get any ideas," Alice eyed her daughter and Jughead.

"I don't think you have to worry about that," Betty assured her.

"Yeah, we can't one up that," Jughead said.

"We'll be taking this," FP grabbed the photo album and Alice's hand.

"Hey!" The other three yelled at him.

"The models get first dibs at the art." FP led Alice up the stairs. "We get to enjoy these memories first."

"And we have to make sure these are child proof first. There are many stories that shall remain untold until you're 18."

"That's what made them interesting!" Jughead whined. Betty nods in agreement.

"We know," FP and Alice smirked then rushed upstairs with the photo album.

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