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Betty did a little snooping and she found out something she didn't approve of. Her mother was seeing her boyfriend's dad. She took the picture she found and made her way down the stairs to confront her mother about it. She watched her mother answer the front door to greet Jughead and FP. Jughead slipped past Alice to get to Betty. "No no no, stop!" Betty pointed. Jughead thought she was talking to him and stopped. He didn't understand why she yelled at him. "Not you." Betty went around her boyfriend and towards their parents. Jughead turned around and was clearly confused. Betty got in between FP and Alice and made sure they were a few feet apart.

"Betty," Alice scolded her. FP looked at her confused. "What's gotten into you?" Betty wasn't like this.

"You two," Betty took the picture out of her back pocket and held it up in the air for them to see. "What is the meaning of this?" The picture contained a shared kiss between the older couple.

Alice gasped and yanked the picture away from her. FP gawked. He didn't know what to do or say. "Why are you snooping through my things, young lady?"

"Why are you dating my boyfriend's dad?"

"Why are you dating my boyfriend's son?" Alice yelled back at her. FP moved to the side. He looked at Jughead who looked very shocked.

"Really? Out of all people you choose Mr. Jones?" Betty pointed to him behind her.

"Ouch," FP muttered to himself.

"Yes I do," Alice crossed her arms.

"You hate him." Betty has seen how the two used to butt heads. They became civil once she started dating Jughead, for their sakes.

"But I want him," Alice shrugged.

"You can't date him. Jughead and I were dating first. This is just going to make things weird between us."

"First?" Alice scoffed. "Elizabeth, I had my Jones back in the ninties. Now who's first?" Jughead looked at his father. FP sheepishly smiled back. He didn't know that they dated. "You want to play that card fine, but I was first." The Jones men watch their women bicker at each other. They were too afraid to join in. The Smith women could get very feisty.

"You are unbelievable," Betty threw her hands up in the air. "I love Jughead."

"Well I love FP." Alice yelled back. She went up to him and wrapped her arms around his waist. FP snaked his arms around her too. "And I don't plan on losing him again."

"I love your mom, Betty." FP was hoping the kids would be okay with it now that the secret was out. "Look I know you're mad but I really hope you can understand."

"You love her, dad?" Jughead spoke up to ask. He saw how close he was holding her. "So you're not like just sleeping together, right?"

"No," FP shook his head. "What you two have is something beautiful. We aren't trying to get in between that. Believe us. We didn't get to have this back in the day. I know things may get weird but believe us. We want this. We want to be happy for once. To make up on all the lost years."

"Are you happy, mom?" Betty genuinely asked her as she approached Jughead. "Does being with him make you happy?"

"Yes," Alice nodded. "He makes me happy, Betty. He's special to me."

"And she-"

"Don't interrupt me," Alice told him.

Jughead chuckled. He looked at his father's face. "See," FP directed to the kids. "I wouldn't put up with this if I didn't love her."

"Good luck," Betty laughed.

"What's that supposed to mean?" Alice questioned.

"Oh, I don't need luck." FP lifted Alice's chin up. "I wouldn't change this for the world." He leaned down and kissed her.

"But we can," Betty cleared her throat. "We're going to need some boundaries. We have to get used to this first so please don't do anything in front of us for a while. Keep it minimal."

"Eliza-" Alice was cut off.

"We beg of you," Jughead said. "It's all we ask."

"We'll try," FP chuckled. "But no promises."

"We already have been for the past three months so..." Alice pointed out.

"Mom," Betty looked at her.

"What? If you haven't been snooping around my stuff you wouldn't have to see this." Alice grabbed onto FP's collar and pulled him into a kiss.

"Okay okay, I get it." Betty covered her eyes. "Mom, let him breathe at least." Jughead pulled Betty away from the scene. He took her outside so they could leave for their date.

"You know, the only difference of today is that the kids know we're doing this." FP jested.

"If they didn't want to see us be affectionate towards each other then they shouldn't have been snooping." Alice smirked. "Now come on. We have the house to ourselves." She dragged him up the stairs.

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