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FP dug his head further into the pillows. Alice nudged him. He would not get up. She took her pillow and hit him. "It's your turn," FP groggily said.

"That's what you said yesterday. Get up and check on him."

"Baby I'm tired," FP whined. He didn't want to go handle the sick boy. He had only gotten through one hour of his beauty sleep before Charles woke up crying for one of them.

"And you think I'm not?" Alice shoved him off the bed. He rolled and landed on his back. It was already sore from taking a twelve hour shift at Pop's.

"Alice," FP grumbled. He grabbed onto the sheets and pulled them down to the floor to him. Alice tugged on them and yanked them back onto the bed. "I've worked all day. I just want to sleep."

"I have a job interview tomorrow morning," Alice wrapped the blankets around her body. "It's important Forsythe, please."

FP dragged himself a few feet before pushing himself up. He knew how important the job was for them. It would let FP drop a few of his long shifts and come home to Charles so Alice can work her dream job. They were in need of the money. Still being kids themselves made it harder for them. Alice still wanted to commit to getting her high school diploma so to grant her her wish FP stepped up and chose to babysit their son throughout the day. There were only four months left in the school year anyway. Once Alice got home around three in the afternoon he'd hand Charles over and rush to work.

FP walked into Charles' room and turned the light on. The boy was wailing in the crib. The young father picked up the child and cradled him in his arms. He walked him over to the kitchen to fix up a bottle.

"Let's get some sleep before the sun comes out," FP yawns. He placed him back in the crib but he began to cry again. He sighed and climbed into the small bed. Charles loved falling asleep on his chest. FP let his legs stick out and tried to position himself comfortably but it was impossible. Charles was beginning to fall asleep with the bottle in his mouth so he gave into the position he was in. He let it drop when he was finished. The boy fell asleep, much like his father.

Bright and early the next day Alice woke up in bed alone. She rubbed her eyes and reached over for FP but didn't feel his body. She stood up and looked in the kitchen. He was not there. She looked in the living room and he was not on the couch. She took a quick look in Charles' room. Her boyfriend was cuddled up with their son inside the crib. She cooed at the adorable sight. Alice ran back to their room and looked for the camera. She snapped a shot and the film developed instantly. She pinned the picture on the refrigerator so they could adore it later on. She wrote a small note on a separate piece of paper for him and stuck it next to the picture.

Alice placed the camera back in the closet and got changed. It felt like a lovely Saturday morning even though they were all tired. Alice finished up getting ready and grabbed the car keys.

FP woke up with a crick in his neck. Charles was gurgling. FP looked down and smiled. He carefully moved the boy so he could sit up and exit the crib. "Baby," FP says in his raspy morning voice. He carried Charles to their room. "Alice baby." The bed was made, sheets were tucked in and the pillows were aligned against the headboard. "Guess mama went to her interview already," He tells Charles as he takes him to the kitchen. He was hungry and he figures the boy would be too.

He saw the picture on the refrigerator. He snatched the note off to read.

I went to my interview. I was going to say goodbye but my boys were peacefully sleeping. Wish me luck. Love Alice.

P.S. I left a bottle ready for Charles. I suspected you two would be up right after I left.

"Looks like mama was prepared," FP sets the note on the counter and looked for the bottle. He checked the bottle before giving it to him. Charles happily latched onto it. "Let's go surprise her."

FP put the baby on his bed. He placed a pillow by his side to hold up the bottle while he changed out of his sleepwear. He put on khakis and a nice polo shirt. Nothing fancy but perfect for the cause, well he believes. He wanted to impress Alice's employer and her of course. He felt weird in what he was wearing but anything to help Alice.

FP walked into The Register. It was very cozy in the tiny makeshift waiting room by the front desk. He figures Alice would be in the back in the middle of her interview. "Hello. What can I do for ya?" The nice lady behind the desk asks.

"I'm just waiting for my girlfriend. We didn't get to wish her good luck this morning." FP sat Charles in his lap, against his body, as he held him.

"I'm sure she'll love to see such an adorable face waiting out here for her. How old?"

FP looked down at the baby. Charles had a hold of one of his hands, trying to bite on one of his fingers. "About three months I believe. Almost at that mark."

"Still a tiny, little munchkin."

FP smiled patiently waited for the mother of his child. He turned Charles to face him. He brought his head closer to him. He pecked kisses all over his cheeks and blew raspberries into the crook of his neck causing him to giggle. His laughter is what he lived for. It reminds him so much of Alice's laughter.

The receptionist was adoring their bond from afar. She cooed at the baby's laughter. FP got to close though as Charles was now tugging on his hair. "Cha-Charles let's not pull daddy's hair," FP tried to get his tiny fingers out of his hair. Alice walked out of one of the closed doors. The wide smile on her face must of meant it went very well. FP stood up and walked over to her while still trying to set his hair free. "Look bud it's mama."

"What are you doing here?" She smiled and took Charles from him.

"Wanted to wish you good luck. Not that you need it anyway," FP was leaning forward to kiss her but stopped. He turned to the side and sneezed. "How'd it go?" He tried to kiss her again.

"It went well," Alice walked them out. She said bye to the receptionist before they walked out the door. FP put an arm around her shoulder. His fingers were able to reach Charles' hand. He stroked his tiny hand as they all walked to the car. "I assume it did for you too."

"Yeah, we had breakfast and-" FP turned his head and sneezed again.

"And you got sick," Alice chuckles. "Let's get both my boys home and into bed. Mama is going to have to take care of you both."

"I'm fine," FP pecked a kiss on her cheek. "Let's go grab a meal at Pop's to celebrate."

"Nuh uh to bed Forsythe." Alice grabbed his cheek. "Be a good boy. Set an example."

"Alice," FP whined. He gives her a pout. "Can I at least get a kiss for dressing myself nicely today?"

"Kudos to that but you know I'm right." She kisses him and then pecks a kiss on Charles. "I must admit my boys look dashing today, as always."

"So Pop's?" FP tried again.

"No, to bed. We're all going to snuggle in bed for the rest of the day."

"Okay maybe that is better."

At home Alice carried Charles in and watched FP sprint into the bedroom. "Careful you big goof!" She yelled at him. She heard a wham somewhere in the hallway to their room. She sighed and turned to look at Charles who was looking up at her. "You're father is an idiot sometimes but we love him." She walked over to the room and saw FP flop onto the bed. He was rubbing his arm. "I told you to be careful," She let out a laugh.

"Yes honey I'm fine," FP shook his head. He put his arms out for Charles. He grabbed him from her and scoots further into the bed. He pulled the covers over them. Charles laid on the mattress and FP played peek-a-boo with him using the blanket. Alice let her ears take in all the baby giggles and got into bed besides them. Charles laid between their big family cuddle. "I love you," FP says happily. He looked over at his family. He has been blessed with a beautiful girlfriend and handsome son.

"I love you too," Alice gets closer as FP lays Charles on his chest. He wrapped an arm under her and she snaked one over him and Charles. For the rest of the day they cherished their family moment.

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