Priority 2

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"You can't kick me out of my own trailer," FP was standing on the steps outside. Gladys had shoved him out of his own home. She was inside randomly throwing some of his belongings in a box to keep him away. Shirts, pants, underwear, socks, and any basic piece of clothing she could find were shoved inside. She harshly put it in his hands. "You should have thought about that before you chose her."

"This is still my home. You left me here when you moved to your parents' house in Toledo with Jellybean, remember?"

"Until the divorce is finalized I'm staying here and I don't want you anywhere near me!"

"Where am I supposed to go then?" He yelled back at her.

"Figure it out," She slammed the door in his face. He turned around and saw Jughead standing there with Betty and Jellybean. He and Betty picked up his sister and were walking her home. Now they think it would be best to leave their mother alone to cool off.

"Still bad?" Jughead knew it was a nightmare between his parents right now.

"How was school?" FP walked down the steps. He kissed Jellybean's head as she hugged him.

"It was the usual," Jughead answers.

"My first day was okay. The boys are stupid but I'm sure that's the same anywhere." Jellybean shrugged.

"Yes, you don't need boys. Stay away from them. The only one you need is your father," He put a protective arm around her. She giggled and accepted it.

"No I'm pretty sure that one is stupid too," Jughead joked. FP rolled his eyes at him. He knows he was kidding so he let it slide.

Betty looked at the box in his hands. That meant he was kicked out to the curb. "Do you three want to go back to my house for now?" She offered to have them over.

"I wouldn't want to impose," FP appreciated the gesture but was slightly embarrassed to have her witness this.

"You wouldn't," Betty assured. "My mom wouldn't mind the company. I'm sure she'll be delighted to see you."

FP smiled. He did want to go see the love of his life. "Yeah come on dad. I was going anyway. We just came to drop JB off."

"Do you want to stay with your mom or come with us?" FP looked down at her.

"I think I should stay and make sure mom doesn't do anything crazy."

"That's fine," FP didn't mind. It was her choice. She tippy toed and kissed his cheek. "Love you dad."

"Love you too princess," He hugged her before she ran to the trailer. FP watched her go in safely. He looked back at Jughead who was still stunned to hear the word love come out of his mouth. "Get over here boy," He pulled his beanie off and ruffled his hair. "Don't think I don't love you too."

Betty thought it was cute. Jughead tried putting his beanie back on as his father pulled him to his side. He kept his arm around his shoulders as they walked to Alice's house.


Betty opened the front door slightly. She poked her head in to scan the room for her mother. She spotted her walking by. "Mom," She tried to keep the door closed as much as she could.

"Yes honey?"

"If I found something valuable on the street can we keep it?"

"What did you find?" Alice questions. She was not sure what she had brought home.

"Answer my question first."

"Betty, what if it belongs to someone else and they are looking for it?"

Betty looked back at FP and then at her mother. "I'm pretty sure you wouldn't want to say no to keeping it. It's kinda cool."

"I don't know Betty," Alice was hesitant to the idea. "It doesn't belong to you."

"It could belong to you," Jughead popped a head in above hers. "I'm sure it would be more worth to you than the last person who had it." FP smacked him behind the head. Jughead tried to play it cool, not wanting to spoil the mystery.

"I'm sorry kids but we can't keep it."

"I'm sorry dad but it looks like you can't stay," Jughead cheekily smiled. He saw the quick change on Alice's face at the mention of FP.

"Wait!" Alice rushed to open the door before FP leaves. He was standing there smiling because he knows he's the reason.

"I'm sorry Al. I've got to go get found by someone else on the streets," FP joined in on the joke.

"Get in here knucklehead," Alice pulls him into the house. Betty and Jughead laugh. "Why didn't you tell me it was FP?"

"We told you we found something valuable on the streets," Betty put her hands up in defense.

"What do you say?" Jughead said. "Want to keep it?"

"Of course I do," Alice grabbed his face and kissed him.

"Okay that's enough," Betty cleared her throat. She was kissing him for far too long. "I said you can cut it out now."

"They're not going to," Jughead thought they shouldn't even try to rip them apart. FP and Alice parted their kiss and looked at the kids.

"Were you not the one to tell me not to let go this time?" Alice smirked at her daughter.

"Maybe I did say that," Betty says stroking her chin while pretending to think.

"I'm glad you did," FP pecked kisses all over Alice's face. She giggled like a school girl. She loved to feel loved and he loved to love her.

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