Serpent at Heart 2

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The following morning FP woke up early even though he had the day off. He put the blankets he used away per usual and walked back into the living room to turn the sofa bed back into its couch form. His son was still asleep on the other couch so he tried to do it quietly.

He walked into the kitchen to make himself a cup of coffee to start his day. Alice came down a couple of minutes later. "Good morning," She warmly smiled.

"Good morning," FP couldn't help but smile too. "You're up early. I didn't wake you, did I?"

"No, I was just on the phone with Charles. He's swinging by in a few minutes. I came down to start making breakfast."

"Do you mind some help?" FP insisted on giving her a hand. "Or do you want to take the kids to the diner?"

"I think a home cooked meal will do just fine. My chocolate chip pancakes are a hit around here."

FP chuckled. "Well I can't argue with that."

Jellybean came down the stairs when she smelled the strong, sweet aroma of freshly made pancakes. She peeked over the railing to see the two adults in the kitchen. Her father was leaning against the kitchen island stirring a bowl of batter while Alice flipped pancakes. She could see the longingly gazes the man would send Alice's way when the woman wasn't looking. It somewhat warmed her heart to see him that happy with her.

"Good morning, JB." Betty yawned from the top of the stairs. "Whatcha up to?"

"I smell pancakes," Jellybean rubbed her eyes. "We should get down before Jug hogs them all." Betty laughed and joined her on the walk down. She looked over at the couch. Jughead was still asleep. "Looks like we don't have to worry just yet."

"That's what he wants us to think," Jellybean shook her head.

"Pancakes today? What's the occasion?" Betty walked into the kitchen with Jellybean. They both took seats at the kitchen island.

"I thought we could all have a nice breakfast altogether before Jughead goes. Oh, and your brother is coming."

"Is Jug up yet?" FP asked.

"Nope," Jellybean said. "I say we don't wake him until we each grab a pancake."

"There will be enough for everyone," Alice chuckled. "More than enough actually."

"I'll wake him up. I've got to talk to him anyway." FP put the bowl down on the counter. It's been whisked enough. FP stepped out of the room to get to Jughead. He hovered over him and gently shook him. "Jughead, boy. It's time to get up."

Jughead groaned and brought the blanket up to his face. FP yanked it away. "Don't think I forgot about last night. You're grounded the next two weekends."

"The only days I'm here?"

"Yup, you can't leave the house those four days."

"Fine," Jughead grumbled. He was too tired to argue.

"Good, now get up. It's time for breakfast."

There was a knock on the door. Jughead sat up and FP went to go answer it. He pulled the door open to see his eldest. "Charlie, come on in, son. You're right on time for the pancakes."

"Perfect," Charles walked into the house.

"Honey, take a seat at the table." Alice flipped the last pancake in the batch. "They'll be right out."

Betty helped take the stack of pancakes already prepared to the table. FP opened the refrigerator to take out the orange juice for everyone.

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