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FP sat at the bar talking to Hog Eye. The Whyte Wyrm was full of serpents drinking like there was no tomorrow. Groups of men gathered around the pool tables and played billiards. Some women picked out a few men to dance with while others were busy chitchatting amongst each other.

Joaquin was outside talking Kevin into going in with him. Kevin was unsure about going in but his boyfriend insisted he go in. "Nothing bad will happen. Just stick with me and my group. Sweet Pea, Fangs, and Toni are friends with Jughead too. Having a connection to Jughead is like having a connection to the king himself. No one dares disrespect any of FP's friends."

"I'm the sheriff's son," Kevin pointed out the one detail about himself that could cause trouble.

"Keep it down," Joaquin tells him. "Just don't mention that. Come on I'll be with you the whole time."

Kevin gave in and decided to go in after all. Joaquin escorted him in and lead him to the table his friends were at. Sweet Pea and Fangs were butting heads as they tried to squash a can of beer.

"New record yet?" Joaquin grabbed a beer from the table. He pulled out a chair for Kevin hinting he should sit down.

"We're up to ten," Sweet Pea and Fangs let the can drop onto the pile they made on the floor.

"Is Jughead here?" Kevin asks hoping he could have a mutual friend around.

"Nah he's with the northside princess," Sweet Pea opened another beer can and took a seat. Fangs pulled up a chair. Joaquin rested his arm on Kevin's shoulder. He took a sip of his drink and offered some to him. Kevin shook his head.

"Is Toni out too?" Joaquin asked.

"She's with cherry," Fangs says rubbing his forehead.

"You mean Cheryl?" Kevin corrected him.

"Am I wrong though?" Fangs knows she had a redhead girlfriend.

"Well not entirely."

"It's just us two tonight," Sweet Pea confirmed. He scoots his chair closer to the table. He tilts his head and looks at Kevin. It was rare to see a northsider in the Wyrm. Since Kevin was brought in by Joaquin he wasn't bothered with him being there. "So does this wallflower have a name?"

"Kevin," Kevin nervously said.

"Don't let him scare you," Fangs calmed him down. "We have no reason to bite."

Kevin nervously laughed. Joaquin put a hand on his thigh to comfort him. It helps assure Kevin that he's okay. Kevin looked over at the bar. He saw FP look down at his phone to read a text. He saw a smirk grow on his face. He watched him chug his drink and casually walk to the staircase. FP walked up to the second floor alone and into a room.

Joaquin noticed Kevin look out at the stairs. He leaned in closer to him. "Rumor has it that he's getting laid by some mystery woman. He comes out that door a few times too happy."

"He's hooking up with someone? Does Jughead know?"

"No. I don't think it's anyone here's business to tell him anyway. If he finds out it has to be from the king himself."

"Fling or not. He's definitely fucking someone up there," Sweet Pea says laughing. The serpents were too drunk to really think about what he's doing up there anyway.

"He's seeing someone but none of us know who," Fangs laughed along with Sweet Pea. Other than Kevin who was sober no one wondered what FP was up to.

FP had already spent twenty minutes behind the locked door leaving a handful of serpents wondering what he was doing. The man had been hooking up with his girlfriend for the past few months. Their relationship had been and still is being hidden from the public. Alice snuck into the bar unseen a few minutes ago for a secret rendezvous.

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