Charlie's Angels

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"Son, you can't use your sisters for police work," FP pushed his glasses back from the tip of his nose. He put the newspaper down on the dining table and walked over to the kitchen. He reached into the cupboard for a mug. "No."

"No, what?" Alice came down the stairs. She joined FP in the kitchen and pecked a kiss on his cheek.

"He wants the girls for a job."

"Charles, sweetheart, I want these kids out of investigation mode." Alice agreed with FP.

"Then what's the point of having three sisters if I can't pull a Charlie's Angels?" Charles crossed his arms at his parents. "Come on, please? You were an FBI informant. Wasn't that fun?"

"I nearly drowned," Alice put a hand on her hip and arched an eyebrow.

"But on the bright side you helped take down a whole cult," Charles sheepishly said. "And dad lived a life of thrill. He was in the army, ran a gang, is now the sheriff of the town. Don't forget you were a Serpent too." He pointed out.

"The answer is still no," FP walked back to his seat after pouring himself coffee.

"You use Jughead all the time," Charles muttered to himself.

"Honey, you can be an FBI agent but your siblings will remain in school." Alice grabbed a seat at the table. "They could act like normal kids for once now that everything calmed down," FP added in. Alice took a bite out of his toast, "But in true Riverdale fashion, they won't." FP smiled and shook his head.

"I'm going to work then," Charles got up. "I'll come back around later."

"Mhmm, take them to school please."

Charles looked back at FP as he went up the stairs to get them up. "Wake up, losers! I want you all in the Mystery Machine in five minutes! You unfortunately have school."

"You nearly drowned?" FP questioned, looking at Alice.

"Yeah, well you got shot."

"Maybe we shouldn't leave the house anymore," FP opened his arms so she could lean into them. "We could stay here..." He trailed kisses up her neck. "And find something to do."

"What do you have in mind?" She ran her hand up his thigh.

"March it," Charles pointed down the stairs. FP and Alice turned their attention to the kids.

"I practically have a GED, why do I need to go to school?" Jellybean came down first.

"No," Jughead walked behind her. "Just because you helped mom get hers doesn't mean you got one too, smart ass."

"Language, boy!"

Jughead looked at his father. "PDA, man." FP pointed at him. He didn't say anything but he gave him a look.

"You're an annoying alarm clock," Betty brushed past Charles.

"Well Sleeping Beauty didn't wake up to the sweet sound of my voice, did she? No, grant yourself lucky."

"Mom! Your son is annoying me!" Betty stomped down the stairs.

"Mom! Elizabeth doesn't appreciate me!"

"Dad! Tell him to leave Betty alone."

"Daddy, I wanted sisters not two annoying brothers!"

"Alright, alright, no more yelling." FP didn't yell but was stern.

"Yes, please." Alice agreed. "I don't want to hear any more yelling."

Betty and Jughead went into the kitchen and grabbed toast. Jellybean stood beside FP. She whispered into his ear. "I actually like Charles. He's cool. Just don't tell him." FP chuckled and pecked a kiss on her temple.

"Time is ticking, rugrats." Charles tapped on his watch.

Jughead snuck up behind the couple. He tapped on FP's shoulder. "Hey, next time you have unprotected sex in high school, make sure your kid isn't an annoying older brother."

"Jughead, you know you love him." Alice said.

Betty joined Jughead. "He may be your baby boy but he's our little headache."

"Go to school," FP and Alice both told them. The two grabbed their backpacks and walked to the door. Charles helped Jellybean with her backpack. "Alright your favorite is leaving," Charles announced as he walked Jellybean out.

"Yeah and Charles is leaving too," Jellybean said before the door was closed shut.

"Now that we're all alone," FP wiggled his eyebrows. He brought her closer to him and kissed Alice. "How about having a little fun?"

"We're going to have to be quick," Alice smirked. FP picked her up and carried her to the bedroom. She giggled the whole way up.

A few minutes later FP came jogging down the stairs as he messily buttoned his shirt back up to answer the door. He was out of breath and glistening. He opened the door and leaned against the door frame. "Fred, hey, what's up."

Fred looked him up and down. "Jeez, shouldn't you be patrolling the town." He chuckled. His eyes went to the terribly buttoned shirt. "That's not how you wear that."

"Busy morning," FP said. " can I help you?"

"Well I wanted to talk to Alice. Archie wants to promote his new gym and I thought Alice could do like a report on it or something." Fred explained. "But maybe right now is a bad time. I'll come back later."

"Hold on," He put a finger up. "Al!" He yelled up the stairs. "Fred wants to know if you can promote his boy's boxing gym!"

"I could squeeze it in today," Alice popped out in front of the staircase.

"Great," Fred thanked her. "I'll let"

"We're going to work," FP said.

"Uh-huh," Fred went his way back to his house.

Alice came down to FP. She helped him fix his shirt. FP stared down at her adoringly. "I love you."

"For buttoning your shirt?" Alice teased. She looked him in the eye. "I love you too." She tippy toed and kissed him again. FP's phone rang in his pocket, interrupting them. He pressed it against his ear but he continued to press kisses all over Alice.

"So are you really sure I can't use them?" Charles asked.

"Our answer is no," FP repeated. Alice giggled and took the phone from him. "Your sisters, siblings are off limits."

"Well there goes my dream as a Charlie."

"We love you," Alice told him. "Now go to work."

"Alright," Charles sighed. "Love you too."

The call ended and she slipped the phone back into his pocket. He lowered his forehead down to hers. "We ruined his dreams as a Charlie."

"That's what I get for naming him Charles."

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