Principal Honey

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Riverdale High was hosting a get together to welcome Mr. Weatherbee's successor, Mr. Honey. Parents and students were both invited.

Mr. Honey stood at the door greeting everyone coming in. He had a very strict demeanor as many of the kids have witnessed. Alice arrived to the school with Mary. Ever since she moved back to town she liked having a friend to talk to. They grieved over Fred together and since then were able to patch up an old friendship.

"Welcome ladies," Mr. Honey said to the both of them as they approached.

"You must be the new principal," Alice shook his hand. "I'm Alice."

"Indeed I am." Mr. Honey smiled. "It's nice to meet you, Alice."

"I'm Mary," Mary introduced herself after.

"Hello, Mary."

"Come in. Make sure to take a turn to the right and towards the gymnasium." He pointed. The two women made their way to the gym. Turning the hall they see FP waiting outside the office.

"Sent to the office again?" Mary joked and caught his attention.

"What are you doing here? Didn't Jughead transfer to a prep school on a writing scholarship? That's what Betty told me." Alice looked at FP.

FP stood up. "He did," He confirmed. "I'm just here to get some transcripts the school wants from him. It's just taking forever because no one is in there."

"Well good luck with that," Alice said. She grabbed Mary. "Let's go inside, Mare."

"See you around, Jones." Mary waved goodbye.

"See ya," FP waved back. "Oh and hey, keep your dog out of my backyard. He keeps sneaking in through our shared fence and getting to Jellybean's flowers."

"I'll tell Archie to keep an eye on Vegas."

Mr. Honey walked past FP while on his way to the gym. FP stopped him. "Wait, hey, you're the principal, right? Can you get something for me?"

"I'll get someone to assist you in a second. I've got to get going." He said practically ignoring him. FP sighed as he saw him continue to walk away.

Mr. Honey walked into the gym and spotted Alice across the room. He had become infatuated by her. He waited all night to go up to her and ask her something.

FP got tired of waiting and decided to sneak a grab at some food being given out at the event. People were slowly starting to go home. He noticed the principal going up to Alice so he watched from afar. "Hello," He shyly said to her.

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