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Alice woke up to a knock on her front door. "FP can you get it?" She groggily says digging her head into the pillows. "FP?" She pulled the covers and noticed the other side of their bed was empty. She climbed out of bed and put her slippers on. She answered the door to be greeted by Fred. "Mornin' neighbor," He said perkily.

"Fred it's too early in the morning for you to be this happy," Alice yawned.

"I was instructed to come here at 8 a.m. sharp."

"By who?"

"Here," Fred handed her an envelope. He was not there to answer any questions. "Oh and get dressed up while you read that!" Fred yelled as he walked back to his house. Alice stood there confused. She shut the door and went back into the bedroom. She opened the envelope up carefully and took the note out.

You had just gotten out of bed
so I sent you Fred.
To make you less groggy
you have to go get coffee.

"What are you up to FP?" Alice thought out loud. She had to think about the first clue. She knew he wouldn't have Fred wake her up to just walk into the kitchen. She couldn't have done that anyway. Where else would she find coffee at this time. "Pop's," She figured. She changed into better attire and drove to the diner. The diner was not full. There were a few customers scattered around. Alice went to the counter and Pop Tate came out the kitchen with coffee.

"Good morning Alice," He left the cup in front of her on the counter.

"You wouldn't know what FP is up to, would you?"

Pop zipped his lips and went to go attend another customer. Alice looked at the cup of coffee. She saw that a few words were written on it. She turned the cup to read her second clue.

You made it to the diner
and damn you couldn't look any finer.
This time think like a teen
where did we see James Dean?

Alice did not have to give this clue much thought. He was referring to the movie Rebel without a Cause. They saw it at the Twilight Drive-in while on a date. She thanked Pop on her way out and drove to the southside. There was only one car when she got there. Alice parked beside it and out came Hermione. In her hand was the envelope she had to deliver to her. "He's got you in on this too?" Alice grabbed the clue from her. "This is my third and no one tells me anything."

Hermione laughed and got back in her car. She rolled down the window. "Good luck," was all she said before she left her to figure out where to go after that. Alice took the next clue out.

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