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Peewee ran his little legs around the living room as he chased FP. He managed to latch onto his legs. "You caught me, oh no." He gasped. He picked him up and carried him against his hip. "You're getting faster, kiddo."

"Daddy slow." The two year old giggled.

"I am not," FP scrunched his nose. He peckered kisses all over his face. Peewee giggled. He tried to cover his face and push him away.

"I have good news," Alice beamed as she came down the stairs.

"I can finally turn the den into my man cave?"

"No," Alice shook her head. "That's still a no."

"Then what's the good news?"

"There's my baby boy," Alice noticed Peewee and got herself distracted.



"The news?"

"Oh, yes." She looked at Peewee. "You, mister, can play with your little, well not too little, niece and nephew." She set him down. "Polly is flying in front San Francisco today with the twins."

"That's great," FP was just as excited. "With Jug and Betty in college and Jellybean with her mom it would be nice to have some company. I'm sure Peewee wouldn't mind new playmates. So when do they get here?"

"Once we pick them up," Alice dangled the car keys in front of him.

"They're already here?"

"Yup, they're landing in an hour, let's get rolling."


Peewee waited on his father's shoulders as they waited for their guests. He made conversation with his father. FP would listen to him babble on and on about whatever was in his little mind. FP rose his hand up high to feed him an orange. Peewee bit into a slice. Alice pulled out her camera. "Al," He covered the lens.

"It's adorable," Alice moved his hand away. "One picture."

"Al," FP whined.

"Cheese," Peewee smiled.

"See, he gets it." Alice took the picture once they both smiled. She got to catch him feeding him the orange slices.

"Babies," Peewee pointed at the toddlers.

"What, sweetie?" Alice turned to see what he was looking at. "My baby!" Alice spotted Polly coming towards them. "And baby's babies."

"Hi, mom." Polly hugged her mother. "Hug your grandma." The twins latched onto her legs. "Hello, Mr. Jones."

"Hi, Polly."

"This must be the little cutie, Ezekiel, I heard so much about." Polly waved at Peewee.

"Sure is," Alice smiled proudly. FP got Peewee down to meet the four year old twins. He crouched down to waved at the two with his son. "Peewee, these are Juniper and Dagwood." Peewee looked at him weird. He decided to give them different names. "Babies."

"Mama, can we play with him?" Dagwood asked Polly on their behalf.

"Yes, once we get to the house." Alice answered his question.

"I'll get the luggage," FP grabbed the suitcases. He lugged them to the car while the women got the little ones settled.


Peewee grabbed both of Juniper and Dagwood's hands and led them up to his room. "Looks like they're getting along great," Polly was in awe.

"I knew they would," Alice smiled.

FP dropped the suitcases in the foyer. He leaned forward, catching his breath.

"Honey, you didn't have to carry everything at once."

"Two trips are for losers." FP flopped down on the couch.

"Wouldn't be much difference. You are a loser."

"Wouldn't be much difference," FP mimicked her. Alice returned his childish behavior. She went up to the couch where he pulled her down and held her in his arms.

"Are you sure you're not married?" Polly questioned with a laugh. "You act like an old married couple."

"We're not married," They were in sync with one another.

"Might as well be," Polly mumbled. "I'm going to go check on the kids." She announced as she went up to find Peewee's room.

A few minutes later Polly came down to catch up with her mom. FP gave them time to themselves so he went to go join the kids, keep them entertained. "Is he in his terrible twos phase yet?"

"He's a saint actually," Alice said. "He's just like you and Betty."

"How's Betty?"

"She's doing well. She and Jughead are having a blast at NYU."

"That's good. You also have Peewee to keep you two occupied through these years." Polly pointed out. She remembered she also mentioned an older brother. "So where's the big Peewee?"

"Charles is on a case in Chicago. He's doing really well. He swings by to spend time with Peewee when he's near."

"If he's ever in San Francisco tell him to stop by." She chuckled.

"It's nice to have you kids visit. Betty and Jughead come during their long breaks. Jellybean comes to visit her dad whenever she can."

"We'll try to fly in more often."

Alice liked the sound of that. "Now is it just me or are the kids being extra quiet?"Alice changed the topic. Polly gave her the same look. They went up to find FP with the three kids. Peewee was sprawled across FP, sleeping in his arm. Dagwood and Juniper were in a similar situation but holding each other's hands. "He's like my big man baby." Alice ribbed. She took her phone out for a picture. "This nap is just too adorable."

"How have you not married this man already?"

"I don't know," Alice really didn't. They just didn't think marriage was for them. They were perfectly happy just being in love with one another. "But we are in love."

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