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Charles pinned his younger brother down. The tv was on in the background. They were watching a wrestling match before they tried it themselves. He had Jughead's face pressed to the floor. "You're a cheater." Jughead grunted. He ferociously tried to shake him off. Charles laughed in response.

"Charles get off your brother," FP walked into the living room with Jellybean in his arms. He grabbed the remote and shut the tv off. "Didn't I tell you to get ready? We're leaving in ten minutes."

"But dad, Jug and I are playing." Charles got off Jughead and helped him up.

"I know but it's your mom's week." FP reminded him. He and Alice had worked on a shared custody agreement. They agreed on having him every other week. FP would take him the second and fourth weeks of the month. Alice had him the first and third. It got harder for Charles when they both remarried and had other children. "You know that."

"Don't worry, time will fly by quick." Gladys appeared into the room. She gave him a warm smile. FP passed her their daughter so he could kneel down to Charles' level. "You'll get to play with your sisters now."

"Eww cooties," Jughead scrunched his face.

"Not helping," Gladys moved him away. "Go help your brother with his bag, please." She directed him to their shared room. Jughead walked to his room to do as he was told. Charles looked at his father again before following Jughead down the hall. FP stood back up and watched him go. "Don't worry. He'll have fun with Alice's kids this week."

"Do you think he hates me?" FP asked the one question that has been in his mind lately.

"Of course not," Gladys assured him. She pecked a kiss on his cheek. "He loves you." He hooked an arm around her waist and looked down at Jellybean in her arms. "He just loves Jughead more." FP let go and Gladys chuckled. "I was just kidding, babe. Come back." FP went to go check in on the boys. He knocked on the door and peeked in. "Ready, kiddo?" He asked. Charles nodded and grabbed his duffle bag.

"Charles," Jughead grabbed his attention before he completely walked out. Charles had turned to look at him at the door. "I'll be able to put you down when you come back."

"You wish," Charles smiled. FP ruffled his hair as he brushed past him.


Hal was running around the house with his daughters. Alice watched in admiration from the couch. He was giving Betty a piggy back ride while Polly chased them. "It's my turn daddy!" She yanked on his shirt. He stopped so they could switch. He put Betty down and grabbed Polly.

"Can Charles play too?" Betty curiously asked. She knew they were expecting him any minute now.

"Of course," Hal told her. "Mr. Jones should be dropping him off soon. Right honey?"

"Yes, your brother should be here-" Alice was cut off by the knock on the front door. "-well now."

"I'll get it," Hal offered. The girls went to go play with their mother now. Hal opened the door and a smile grew on Charles' face when he saw Alice. "Mommy!" He ran to her and wrapped his arms around her.

"Hi, baby." Alice hugged him back. "I missed you."

"I missed you too."

Alice looked up to see FP still standing at the door. He was awkwardly making small talk with Hal. "Here's his stuff."

"Thanks," Hal grabbed it from him. "How's the baby?" He kindly asked.

"She's good." FP answered. "I finally get to see what having a daughter is like."

"That's good to hear," Hal said. "You know, she's all Charles talks about."

"Really?" FP was actually a little shocked. He didn't know that. "I thought it would be Jughead, to be honest. Those two are inseparable at home."

"I'm pretty sure he secretly wanted her to be a girl. He's very protective of our girls," Hal glanced over to Alice with the kids. FP's eyes went straight to her. "He really loves her." Hal smiled at the sight. "Well, thanks man. She'll bring him over next week." Hal closed the door before joining everyone in the living room.

"Yeah he really loves her," FP quietly told himself before he stepped away. This was always the five minutes of the week he both loved and hated. He hated to leave Charles but he loved to see Alice.

"You okay, hon?" Hal placed the bag by the stairs and sat beside her on the couch. He extended his arm out behind her.

"Huh?" Alice realized she had a tear rolling down her cheek. Charles gently wiped it away. "Oh yeah, I just love to see the kids all together." She pulled the kids into a tight hug. "I waited a whole week for this."

"Moms are weird," Polly blurted out.

"Yes," Alice chuckled. She was still keeping the tears from falling. She looked out at the window to see FP sitting in his truck. He was looking into the house. "Yes, we are. I just missed him. That's all."

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