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FP tucked the pink envelope into his jacket as he walked out of the trailer. Jughead was still surprised he was going to the play.

Jughead clicked around his camcorder as they drove to the high school. He was looking at what he had. "I think it will be a good show. I've already got a whole lot of behind the scenes footage and from what I've seen it will be great." Jughead peeked over at his father. His eyes were glued to the road but he was listening. "So Birdie, huh?"

"No more questions."

Jughead laughed softly. "Seriously, dad. Where did this theatrical side of you come from?"

"I don't know," FP shrugged. "Probably just walked into some wonderland."

"It's so hard to believe," Jughead ribbed. "You were this big jock in a high school play and may I add, a musical."

FP peeked over at him. "Do you want to walk the rest of the way?"

"Okay, okay, I'll stop." He laughed. He looked at him from the corner of his eye. "I don't want to say bye bye birdie."

"Alright, get out." FP jokingly shoved him towards the door. It only caused Jughead to continue laughing.

FP stopped in front of the school. Jughead leaped out of the truck. He stuck his head in through the window. "I've got to go meet the crew backstage before the show begins."

"You mean Betty?" FP smirked.

"I've got to wish her good luck," Jughead stepped back from the door. "I'll probably meet you in the crowd later." With that Jughead went in. FP went to go find parking. He climbed out of the car and looked over at the school. He grabbed the letter he wrote for Alice. He wanted to apologize for how he acted but was never good at communicating his feelings to her.

After taking a deep breath he went in. He had to find her. He walked down the old halls he used to roam in. It brought back so many memories, both good and bad. He eventually found his way to the auditorium. He walked past a group of people entering. He stared up at the stage and luckily for him he saw her coming out from behind the curtains. She looked beautiful. It brought a smile to his face but the second he heard her speak his heart broke. "Hal, come here!" He watched Hal spring up from his seat and go to her. "Did you bring it?" He had to stand there looking like an idiot, for having acted like such a fool, and watch this man with her. He couldn't look away.

Alice looked out as Hal went back to his seat. Her eyes wandered over to the man standing on the other end of the room. He did come after all. Their eyes locked for a couple of solid seconds before FP turned around. He was hurt but he knew that was what he deserved for hurting her. Alice watched him tuck something into his jacket and leave but every nerve in her body wanted to go after him. She went behind the curtain and shut her eyes. "He can't keep doing this to me," She thought. She set down what she had in hand and ran down the hall in search for an exit. She had to go find him.

She pushed open a door and ran out. She sprinted to the parking lot. She hoped he was still there. She spotted him getting into his truck. "FP!" He turned his head to look at her but he continued to unlock his truck. "No, wait!" She pleaded. FP stopped but didn't turn back. She stood right behind him. "You came."

FP simply nodded. She wanted him to look at her. She put a hand on his shoulder. His head swerved to the side. He slowly turned around to face her. He still wore that glum face.

"I thought you were working," Alice nonchalantly said.

"I thought you kicked him out." FP pursed his lips. He avoided looking straight at her. "Now he's here?"

"He's my husband, FP." Alice pointed out. "I invited him. There was an open seat."

"Why?" He questioned. "Are you giving him a second chance?"

"You hurt me," Alice answered. "He came to the house and asked to come home. We talked and now he's there-" Alice pointed to the building behind her. "-instead of you." Alice turned things around onto him. "Why are you here anyway?" She asked. "I just don't know what to think with you. One moment we seem to be happy but the next you blow me off. It's always been like this. I'm not looking for you to sleep with me and then toss me aside and forget about me."

"That's not what I'm trying to do," FP face palmed. He huffed. "Al, I care about you. I don't know how to tell or show you. I'm really really really sorry for hurting you. I'm not trying to." He softened his face. "But it also hurts when you think I'm trying to hurt you. I don't know how to do this. I've only ever cared about one girl and I lost her too soon. I spent years watching her with another guy and I just knew, deep down, we were both miserable."

"I know you're trying," Alice got misty eyed. "I really do but I can't handle any more heartbreak. It hurts more after every time."

FP was silent. He hung his head low. He reached into his pocket and pulled out the sealed envelope. He lifted his head up and looked at her as he held it out in front of her. She looked at it, slowly reaching for it. She read  her name on it. This was what she saw him tuck away. She opened it carefully, taking out the heartfelt letter. She began to read it and he tried to leave but she grabbed a hold of his arm. She kept him in place as she continued to read. Once she was done she looked up at him. He was already looking down at her. Without a second thought he brought his face down to hers and connected their lips.

"I'm not perfect but I want to be for you."

"I don't want perfect," She shook her head. "I want you for who you are."

"I love you, Alice." He built up the courage to finally get those words out of his mouth.

"I love you too, Forsythe."

They looked at each other with cheeky smiles. "I'd love to see you on that stage if you'd let me."

"I want you to," Alice was glad to hear that. "It's just too bad you won't be up there too. You know, like old times."

"Jughead wouldn't let me live it down," He chuckled. "Come on, let's get you back inside. Your show must be starting."

When Alice recited her first lines she payed attention to a certain member in the audience. FP was in the back watching her in awe. She smiled and performed her very best for the love of her life. FP, well he couldn't help but fall in love all over again by just watching her.

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