Grandma 4

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Alice cradled the little baby boy in her arms. He was so tiny and precious. FP hovered over her admiring their child. "Can you believe it?" FP stared in awe. "He's perfect."

"I love him so much," Alice loved holding a child of her own in her arms again. FP was like her big baby but he was getting replaced with their little Jesse. Jesse was far into his sleep. He had a tiny smile on his face as he was dreaming. "Look at that," Alice cooed. Her heart was melting with the cuteness.

"He has your beautiful smile."

"I'm here to see my little miracle," Alice's mother bursts in through the front door. The door swinging woke the baby up. "Grandma is here." She walked faster to the couch to try to grab him from her daughter.

"I'm sorry. I tried to stop her from doing that." Alice's father came in through the door a few seconds later.

"I claimed some credit for this precious boy being here. I should be able to be excited." She huffed. She cradled Jesse in her arms and calmed him down. He stared up at her. "I've waited a long time for you. Your parents were so slow at getting me what I wanted."

"Well I wasn't just going to get into his pants. We had to take a breather and really think about it."

"I didn't do much thinking. Daddy wanted a baby." FP contradicted what she just said.

"Nana was all for it." Alice's mother took a seat and readjusted Jesse in her arms.

"He got lucky. He doesn't look anything like FP," Alice's father ribbed.

"She's got you doing this too?" FP sighed. Alice's parents loved to mess with her boyfriend.

"He's a Smith alright." Alice's father looked at Jesse's face. He resembled Alice a lot more than FP. He got FP's darker hair color but the curls were full Smith genes.

"Jones-Smith," FP coughed. Alice's mother chuckled. Her husband tried to hold Jesse but she was hogging him for herself. "Darling I think it's time to let go."

"No," Alice's mother refused to hand him over.

"We do want our child back at some point," Alice said.

"She's not giving him back," FP was certain. Jesse was too precious to give up.

"What's this little sport's name?" Alice's father asked.

"Jesse," FP answered.

"Jesse is going to be one hell of a kid when he starts walking." He laughed. "It's in his genes after all."

"If he's anything like us we wouldn't be able to sit down." Alice tried to get her baby back but her mother refused to let go again.

"Maybe I can take him," Alice's mother would look for any excuse to raise this child.

"You can't keep our baby," FP shook his head.

"Why not? You took mine years ago and you don't see me complaining."

"Love you too mom," Alice pursed her lips.

FP sat down next to Alice on the couch. Her parents claimed their grandson for the night. Alice cuddled up in FP's arm ready to take a nap. It had been a while since she last got the chance to fully sleep. FP laid his head back on the couch. He was tired too.

"Do you think they will notice if we take him?" Alice's mother asks her husband.

"He may be tiny but they will notice if they don't hear him crying for them." He whispered back.

"Then we better go before they notice." She stood up and covered Jesse in a blanket. She started to walk towards the door.

"You can't take Jesse with you," FP and Alice both said in their sleep. They sensed she would want to sneak out with him.

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