Phone Call

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"Are you sure man? What can I do to convince you to stay?" Fred was watching FP stuff a pile of clothes into a duffle bag. Fred didn't want to see his best friend hit the road to who knows where and never look back.

"Look Fred I already let her go. We broke up. There's nothing left for me here. We had some stupid argument months ago. Now she found her way to Hal. As much as I hate the man I must admit he could give her everything I couldn't. I was only holding her back with my stupid mistakes."

"Can you at least think about this for a little longer? Where the fuck are you going? What are you going to do? You have no money and no damn plan."

FP zipped his bag. He had a wad of cash pocketed, enough for two weeks worth of food if he's responsible with it, and a bus ticket tucked inside the bag. Fred saw it on the table when he was busy shoving his belongings in the bag. "I'll figure it out. I just need to leave. Trust me Freddie. Thank you for everything you've done for me but I have to do this." FP slung the bag on his shoulder. Fred stood in front of the trailer door hoping he'd stop, turn around, and unpack. "Just please I beg of you. Don't go telling Alice. It's already hard enough as it is."

"You don't need to go. Come on at least stay until the end of senior year. You can pull through a few more months." Fred tried to convince him but the look on FP's face told him otherwise. "No?"

"No," FP shook his head. He pulled him into a quick hug to say goodbye one last time. When he let go he reached for the door. He looked back at him and smiled. "Bye Fred."

"Bye FP," Fred did all he could to stop him but he was too stubborn to listen to him. He simply let him go and waved. "Keep in touch."

"I will," FP nods. "No doubt in that."


FP took a seat at the bus station. His bus ride got delayed for another hour due to the harsh rain that began pouring as he was walking to the station. He sat there thinking about everything, especially Alice. It hurt when she stopped talking to him. He knew it was his fault but was too stubborn to admit it. He could have fixed things but he chose to let it be. He was stupid and he knew it.

There were a few more people at the station, including a couple that caught his eye. They were all lovey dovey with each other. It looked like one of them was about to leave while the other stayed behind. FP couldn't help but listen to what they were saying. "I'll only be a couple of days." The guy said hugging her as they were entwined on their seats.

"I know but I'll miss you."

"I'll miss you too honey." He kissed her forehead. FP thought about what what he just saw. He was only leaving for a couple of days and his girlfriend was sad to let go. FP was leaving for good and this only made him think about how Alice would take it knowing he wouldn't be back. He wondered if she still cares about him enough to be hurt that he left. He remembers he saw a telephone booth right outside. He couldn't believe what he was thinking. He had to call her. He had to know before he left. Maybe he would even change his mind.

He tapped the older lady next to him. She looked over at him wondering what he wanted. "I'm sorry to bother you ma'am but I was wondering if you could watch my bag while I go make a call. I've got to go call my girl before it's too late."

"Of course sweetheart. Go talk to her." She didn't know him but she adored how important this girl seemed to be to him.

"Thank you." FP got up and wiped the fog on the door. He looked outside and it was still raining. He pulled his hood on and ran to the phone booth. He picked out change from his pocket to put in. He dialed Alice's number without a sweat but hoped she'd pick up. He was nervous. He didn't know what he would say. She picked up and he listened to her sweet voice. "Hello?" He was out of words. He tried to put something together but was having trouble getting it out. "Hello? Anybody there?"

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