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Peewee was in his high chair enjoying some oatmeal. Alice pretended the spoon was a plane which got Peewee to easily accept his breakfast. FP was still asleep in bed. He has always been a heavy sleeper but the other Forsythe just came out of his room rubbing his eyes.

"He's just like his father," Alice whispered to Betty.

"I know," Betty had been waiting for him to wake up.

"Good morning," Jughead walked into the kitchen and grabbed the cereal box out the pantry.

"Good morning Jughead," Alice said. "At least you beat your father."

"Mownin' Juggie!" Peewee searched for him using his voice.

"Morning kiddo," Jughead ruffled his hair as he walked on by. He placed his bowl of cereal on the table and took a seat next to Betty. "Morning to you too."

"Good morning," Betty took a sip of her milk to wash down the toast. She sets the cup down after. "How did you used to wake him up?"

"My dad? Well when Jellybean still lived with us I used to send her to the bedroom and tell her to jump all over him on the bed until he woke up. You see if I did it then I'd get smacked upside the head but if my sister did it then that's a whole different story."

"Maybe we should send Peewe."

"Do you think you can wake daddy up?" Alice asked the boy. She fed him another spoon of oatmeal. Peewee swallowed it and nods his little head, "Wake daddy."

"Yes go wake daddy up," Alice let him finish the last spoonful of his breakfast before setting him down on the floor. He began to run to the stairs.


"Sowwy!" Peewee grabbed onto the railing and walked up the staircase carefully. When he got to the top he ran to the bedroom, pushing the door open. "Wake up!" Peewee yelled. When he didn't move Peewee pulled on the covers to climb onto the bed. He crawled over to him and nudged him but still nothing.

"Five more minutes Al," FP said but the pillow muffled.

"Me Peewee daddy," He giggled. He went over to his head and put his legs around his head. FP moved him down into his arms. He covered him with the blanket and snuggled with him. "Shh we let daddy sleep."

"But we wake daddy," Peewee understood that his mission was to wake him up.

"No we let daddy sleep."

"Okay," Peewee twists and turns to get more comfortable while laying with him. Alice came up to check on them since it was too quiet. She stood at the door and saw that FP was still asleep.

"Why didn't you wake-"

"Shh, daddy sleeping." Peewee silenced her. He had a finger pressed against his lips.

"Ah the young one has failed to defeat the monster of sleep." Jughead came upstairs to see if Peewee had succeeded or not. Right by his side was Betty.

"It's still adorable we must admit," Betty said looking at the two snuggled up together.

"If you can't beat them you join them," Alice sighed and got in bed. Peewee scoots over to make space for Alice. FP's arm extends over to Alice as he continues to sleep.

Betty smiles and takes in the scene. "Isn't that just precious?" She tells Jughead. She turns around and sees him walking down the hall. "Where are you going?"

"Just watch," Jughead said before walking into the bathroom. She heard the water running and wondered what exactly he was doing. The water was then turned off and he came out with a bucket full of cold water.

"Jug, Jug what are you doing?"

He walked over to FP's side of the bed and held the bucket over his father. Peewee saw and jumped on top if him. "No no no," He protects his father. "Daddy sleeping."

"Dad needs to wake up."

"You're going to ruin the covers Jughead," Alice warned him. He was afraid of Alice but there was only one way to wake up FP Jones.

"You can make my dad take you shopping," Jughead bribed.

"I've never liked these sheets anyway," Alice gave into the bribe. She pulled Peewee off of FP and got out of bed. "Wait until we're out of the room."

"Okay," Jughead did them the favor and waited until it was just him and his father in the bedroom. Alice took Peewee and they hid with Betty in her room where they could have a good view of what was going to happen. Jughead flipped the bucket upside down and all the water pour onto FP. FP reacted by sitting up quickly. He was shivering from the cold. "Jughead!" He yelled as he saw him standing there and laughing. Jughead ran out the room and left the bucket behind. FP sprints behind him trying to get a hold of him. "Walk!" Peewee yells at them. The others came out of hiding and let out their laughter. Jughead made it out the front door and FP was chasing him down the street.

"At least he's getting cardio in," Betty said.

"Cah-doh in," Peewee tried to repeat.

"Yes cardio," Alice walked him downstairs and they stood at the front door. FP cornered his son and put him on his back as he carried him back to the house. Betty came to the door with a bucket full of water. FP let go of Jughead to grab it. Jughead tried to get a head start but he got to splash it on him.

"Not so funny now is it," FP let out a chuckle. Peewee asked to get set down. He walked over to FP's side and put his hands on his hips. "Daddy sleep!"

"What he said!" FP put his hands on his hips too. "You're my favorite son."

"Hey!" Jughead yelled from the distance.

"This son let's me sleep!" FP continued to banter with him.

"Daddy sleep shh," Peewee gestures for silence.

"How about we go back to bed?" FP asked Peewee.

"The whole point was to get you up," Alice says.

"I am up, now I'm off to bed again," FP grabbed Peewee and walked him inside. He held Alice's hand and lead her up to their room. "We are going back to sleep." They climbed into bed and snuggled up together. Betty brought Jughead inside and dried him up before taking them to go join everyone upstairs for a nap.

"We sleeping!" Peewee hushed them when they appear at the door.

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