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FP was reading the newspaper in the kitchen while Alice made them both a cup of coffee. "Thanks," FP kissed her on the cheek and continues reading the sports section. He took a sip of his coffee and placed it on the table. Charles waltzed in rubbing his eyes. It was clear he just woke up.

"Good morning Charles. Do you want some cereal?" Alice asked watching him walk in. The boy nods and goes over to FP. FP picks him up and sits him on his lap. Together they looked at the comic strips on the next page.

"Hey Al," He grabbed her attention. He read a news announcement in the paper.


"The carnival is in town again. Do you want to go later?" FP asked.

"Charles would love that," Alice brought the bowl to the table.

"What's a carnival?" Charles yawned. He grabbed the spoon and took a bite of his breakfast.

"It's when a bunch of booths, full of games or food, are set up at Pickens Park. Even some fun rides." FP sets the newspaper on the table. "Your mom and I went every year when we were younger."

"He was always filling himself up with cotton candy." Alice remembers how much he would eat and regret it when they rode the dizziest ride at the carnival.

"I like cotton candy!" Charles yelled excitedly. "Can we go to the carnival?"

"We will," FP chuckles at his enthusiasm. "You can have as much cotton candy as you want."

"There will be a limit Forsythe." Alice did not want a hyperactive child once they got home. Charles was already a wild child.

"As much as you want. Our little secret," FP whispered into their son's ear. Charles giggled and zipped his lips.


"Are we there yet?" Charles asked.

"Sweetheart we barely walked out the door," Alice tells him. FP was carrying him on his shoulders. They decided to walk since the park wasn't far from the trailer park. FP closed the trailer door and they all began their walk to the carnival.

"Will there be munchkins there?"

"Munchkins?" Alice wondered where he learned that from.

"Uncle Freddie calls me his little munchkin."

"You tell Fred you're my munchkin okay," FP says holding his little legs to make sure he doesn't fall off him.

"Okay," Charles looked around as they walked. Another thought came to his mind. "Promise to never cook me?"

"Why would we cook you?" FP was confused by his words.

"Uncle Freddie says he has a little munchkin in the oven. Is he cooking my friends?"

"Hermione is expecting?" Alice did not know. They haven't told them the news yet.

"No he's not cooking your friends. Maybe we shouldn't let uncle Fred babysit you anymore," FP joked. He was filling Charles up with confusion. "Fred hasn't told me anything about being a father."

"We're going to have to talk to them."

"Ballons!" Charles yells pointing at a vendor at the carnival. "Daddy can I have one?"

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