Gladys 3

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Jughead brought Jellybean to Pop's in the morning so she could meet Betty. He also wanted an excuse to leave the house since there was a strong tension between the adults. They sat in the diner waiting for Betty to arrive. "I've got to go to the bathroom." Jellybean said.

"Okay, I'll be right here. Betty should be here any minute now." Jughead smiled and watched her walk to the bathroom. He turned his attention to the door when he heard the bell ring. Betty came in and he was happy to see her. "Good morning," He continued to smile. He kissed her before she took a seat. "You look tired."

"I am," Betty admitted. "But I'm excited to finally meet your sister. Where is she?"

"She just went to the bathroom." Jughead pointed behind him. "Why are you so tired?"

"Well my mom was having a rough night," She leaned her head against his shoulder. "I found her crying and I don't know why."

"Last night?" Jughead questioned. He gave it a quick thought.

"Yeah, it was the middle of the night when I heard the door slam."

"So she was crying too, last night?"


"I woke up last night to a door slam too. Minutes later my dad came in and he looked like he had been crying."

"Wait so they were both crying last night and they wouldn't say why? Jug, do you think?" Betty was starting to believe it had to do with each other.

"Because of each other? Why?"

"We both know they dated in high school. Your mom came back yesterday and I don't think my mom was as delighted as your family to hear she was back."

"Are you saying that our parents have been seeing each other again?" Jughead furrowed his eyebrows. It did however make sense to him. "It would explain the tension between my parents this morning."

"We have to go talk to them," Betty proposed. "I'll talk to my mom and you go talk to your dad or parents."

"Yeah but what about Jellybean? She's not ready for that kind of information."

Jellybean came back from the bathroom and looked at Betty. "You must be his girlfriend."

"I am," Betty smiled. "You must be the famous Jellybean he keeps talking about."

"Sure am."

"Alright so we may have to cut this meeting short. I have to go talk to mom and dad and she has to go home."

"Already?" Jellybean was confused. "We just got here."

"I'll explain later," Jughead said and walked her out. Jughead sent his sister to his mother's car as he talked more with Betty. "I'll call you after."

"Me too," Betty kissed his cheek and went to her mother's station wagon. She borrowed it to meet them at Pop's. Betty drove home and Jughead drove over the train tracks towards Sunnyside.

Betty walked into the house and called out for her mother. "Mom! We need to talk!" She looked around the house for her. Jughead parked the car and walked into the trailer with Jellybean. He opened the car door and could already hear yelling from inside the trailer.

"What's going on?" Jellybean asked.

"I'm going to drop you off with my friend Toni and her girlfriend Cheryl," Jughead got back into the car.

"No I want to stay with you. Are mom and dad fighting again? It's not old news."

"You grew up fast."

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