Coming Back V1

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FP sat in a booth and ate a burger. To his side he had his sleeping son. The boy fell asleep after having a big meal. Jughead was laying on the seat with his head resting comfortably on FP's lap. It had already been a good twenty minutes with his son fast asleep. His back was to the door so he didn't see when a familiar blonde woman walked in. Vice versa Alice did not see FP. She only saw the back of his head. It wasn't until Pop brought him a milkshake she was able to hear his voice. "Thank you," FP accepted the drink and put it on top of the table. His head turned ever so slightly to the left. That was when she was able to make out his face. "FP?"

FP heard his name being called so he looked turned around. He put his arms on the booth and looked at her. "Alice?"

"Wow," Alice wasn't expecting to see him today or ever again. "It's been a while. Where have you been the past couple of years?"

"Serving," FP answered her question.

"You joined the army?" Alice had always wondered where he went.

"You already knew that," FP looked at her as if he was certain she did. She scrunched her face in confusion but shrugged it off.

"When did you get back in town?"

"Two years ago."

"How come I haven't seen you around?"

"I tend to stick to the southside. The most I cross the train tracks for is to come here." FP looked at her hands. There was a wedding band on her finger. "How are things with Hal? Still with him?"

"They're fine. We've got two-" Alice stopped herself. She wasn't sure how awkward it would be to talk about her daughters with a different man. FP noticed the silence. "Two what?" He didn't think she would need to hold back. "Kids?" He assumed. "If you have kids there's no need to keep it a secret from me. You moved on, remember?"

"What?" Alice didn't like his coldness. "Well yeah I have kids but I didn't just move on from you. I had to after you left."

"I would have stayed but it didn't look like you wanted me to."

"What are you talking about?"

"I should get going," FP took money out of his wallet and placed it on the table. He pocketed his wallet and revealed his son by picking him up. He let his head rest on his shoulder. Alice was not expecting to see him with a child.

"Wait," Alice tried to stop him from leaving. FP didn't stop. She followed him out to his truck. FP was buckling in the sleeping boy. "Just stop please."

"Why? So you can meet my son?" FP sarcastically said. "Who knows maybe we can set him up on a play date with your kids?"

"Can we talk?" Alice blocked the door to the drivers seat.

"There's nothing to talk about."

"Why did you leave for the army?"

"I think I made myself clear before," FP yanked on the door. He climbed in but wasn't able to shut the door with her in the way. "Now if you excuse me I have to go home with my boy."

"Not without talking to me. I want to know why you left. Today is the first time I've seen you since high school and I didn't even know you came back two years ago."

"You made it seem like you wouldn't have cared if I left."

"Why would you think that?"

"I asked you to talk to me in the letter I wrote to you before deciding if to leave or not. I specifically said that if we were ever going to give love another try I needed to know. You never showed up so I knew I should leave." FP sighed. "You chose Hal over me after all. I couldn't watch you be with him."

"What letter? I never got a letter." Alice told him honestly. She never received a letter from him. Hal got his hands on it before it ever could reach her. "FP, I never got that letter."

"I left it in your locker the day after homecoming. All I kept seeing was you with Hal while I was on stage. When you two were crowned king and queen I left. Fred walked in on me backstage writing you that letter. I spilled my heart out to you in it."

"I didn't get that letter." Alice did not lie. She wouldn't have ended up with Hal is she had.

"So you still loved me?" FP didn't want to get his hopes up.

"I did," She nodded with a tear rolling down her cheek. "And I'd be lying if I were to say I still didn't love you."

"You still love me?"

"But you probably don't love me anymore. You're probably going home to your wife." Alice looked down at her feet.

"No," FP surprised her. "It's just my boy and I. It didn't work out with his mother." He looked back at him. "She wasn't you. I love you."

"Hal isn't you," Alice wiped the straggling tears. "I love you." FP got out of the car and kissed her. He did not care that she was married and neither did she. They were soulmates.

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