Grandma 3

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"How long is your mom going to be here?" FP asked Alice. He was cuddled up in bed with her. The kids went to school and Alice's mother was somewhere in the house.

"Just a few more days."

"How long? She doesn't let me do anything when you're not here."

"I told her not to let you do anything stupid." Alice giggled. She pressed a kiss on his jaw.

"I think she just likes picking on me. She always has," FP climbed out of bed so he could get ready for work.

"You're exaggerating."

"Am I?" FP reached into the pocket of his jacket. He pulled out a small package inside left inside for him. "Care to explain how this got in there?" FP tossed the condom on the bed. Alice's mother jokingly left it in there.

"Jokes on her," Alice picked it up and put it in the drawer of the night stand. "We can use it later."

"I'm just in luck, I'm going to need it for my blind date tonight."

Alice rolled her eyes fondly and stood up. She wrapped her arms around his waist as he finished buttoning his collar shirt. "Baby, if you do this I'm never going to leave." He smiled at her through the reflection on the mirror.

"Well then maybe you'd have to get back in bed with me."

"As much as I'd love that-" FP turned around to face her. He placed his hands on her hips. "-I need to run away from your mom for a couple of hours. If I stay any longer she's going to yank my ears off." He grabbed his ear. "I'm going to start to look like Dumbo at this rate."

"Dumbo is adorable."

"I won't be able to fly."

A knock on the door interrupted their kiss. It was Alice's mother. She let herself in. "Mom, we were in the middle of something." Alice sighed. She dropped her arms off of FP and walked over to her dresser. FP covered his ears. Alice's mother laughed. "Relax. I just came in to tell you Polly called. She's coming over with my great grandchildren."

"I've missed the three so much." Alice was excited for their visit.

"I'll be around after work to join in." FP slipped his jacket on. He walked over to Alice and kissed her cheek before making his way out. "Bye baby."

Alice's mother cleared her throat and looked at them. She turned her cheek hinting for her kiss on the cheek too. FP laughed and went over to her at the door. "Bye to you too." He gave her a friendly kiss on the cheek then brushed past her to make his way to his truck.

"I told you he was a keeper."

"He is when you don't scare him away," Alice laughed. "I love you mom but you tease him quite a lot."

"It's harmless banter." Alice's mother crossed her arms. She mocked being offended. "I know he loves it. He puts up with you, doesn't he?" Alice glared at her and her mother only laughed. "That man has always loved you too much."


Polly walked into the diner a few minutes after FP started his shift. She had her children in her arms. After a long drive from San Francisco she was finally in town to visit her family.

"Here you go," FP smiled. He held out her take out bag for her to grab.

"Can you do me a favor and hold the twins for me?" Polly shoved a child into his arms without getting a response from him first. "It has been a long drive and I have been needing to use the restroom for the past 200 miles." Polly moved the bag out of his hand so he could grab the second child.

"I'm kind of work-" Polly placed the take out bag in his mouth mid-sentence. He had to hold it with his teeth. She walked towards the bathroom immediately after thanking him. FP turned to look at the twins in each of his arms. Dagwood pulled his hat off and Juniper tugged on his ear. FP walked over to the counter and let the bag drop. "Okay you two, do you want a snack?" The toddlers nod their little heads ferociously. He sets them down so they could patiently wait while he grabbed them something to munch on. The twins sat on the counter swinging their feet back and forth. One of their tiny feet accidentally hit FP on the forehead. He rubbed the crown of his head and stood back up. He gave them each a cookie. While they quietly ate he leaned in on the counter in between them. Dagwood knocked his uniform hat off again. FP picked it up and put it on the toddler's head. He liked how it looked on him. "So what do we do now?" He asked them both.

Alice came into the diner with her mother leading the way. "No mom let's just go back home." Alice tells her. "You can make fun of him later."

"No I want to do it now." Alice mother approached him. She saw the small kids and stopped to hug them both. She got distracted by them. "My precious babies."

"Polly must be here," Alice said. Polly came back from the bathroom ready to go. "Mom. Grandma." She hugged them both.

"They're not so little anymore." She pouts.

"They grow up so fast."

The twins reached out towards FP begging him to pick them up. "I'm your grandmother," Alice tells them. She wanted all of their attention.

"Sorry Al but they like me more," He cheekily smiled. The two kids were clinging onto him.

"That's because you snuck them cookies." Alice's mother exposed him.

"Cheater," Alice scoffed .

"No," He said. "Strategic."

"Well then comprise and give me a grandchild."

"Mom," Alice's eyes widened.

"What? The ones I have are already old."

"Hey," Polly made her voice clear.

"Sorry honey," She pinched her cheeks. "But you already gave me my great grandchildren."

"Well it's hard to make one when you keep sliding condoms into my pocket," FP laughed along.

"Forsythe don't encourage her."

"Why not? One of these would be cute." FP tickled the twins.

"Should the kids and I be here for this conversation?" Polly awkwardly asked.

"It's up to you," Alice told her. Polly grabbed her kids and her food and excused themselves. That left FP, Alice, and her mother behind. She turned her attention back to him. "You think about these kind of things."

"Well yeah. I've waited decades for you."

"Get me a grandchild and we'll talk," Alice's mother encouraged them to think about it.

"Well maybe your wish is under my command." FP smirked. "Maybe not right now but one day in the future."

"Fine by me," Alice's mother was satisfied.

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